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"Look who decided to wake up." Puck smiled as he walked into his room.

"I've been up." Quinn replied.

"Tell that to your snoring." Puck said.

"I don't snore." Quinn argued. "You do."

"Sure." Puck nodded. "Do you wanna talk about yesterday before I go?"

"There's nothing to talk about." Quinn said softly.

"You got arrested, Quinn." Puck noted.

Quinn paused and looked at Puck.

"I know I'm the last one who should be telling you this, but come on, Q." Puck said.

"I was hanging out with some of guys from the hockey team and things got bad so the cops came." Quinn explained.

"Things got bad?" Puck repeated. "What'd they do?"

"Noah." Quinn sighed.

"No, I'm gonna go talk to them. Did they hurt you?" Puck asked.

"They didn't hurt me." Quinn answered. "They made some comments and one of them kept coming onto me so I hit him with a bottle."

Puck made a face, obviously impressed. "Well, I'm sorry I missed that. Are you sure you're okay?"

Quinn nodded. "I'm okay. You can go to your game."

"No one's home." Puck told Quinn. "And if you wanna shower, you can help yourself to my clothes. I have a football sweatshirt with your name on it."

"Thanks." Quinn said.

"There's bacon downstairs." Puck added.

"Suddenly I'm up." Quinn noted as she got out of bed.

Puck smiled as he looked at Quinn. Her hair was messy and his t-shirt fit her like a short dress.

"What?" Quinn asked, walking past Puck to go get breakfast.

"Nothing." Puck shook his head as he followed. "Finn's picking me up so if you wanna come to the game, you can take my bike."

"Yeah, maybe." Quinn said.

"Okay." Puck replied. "Call me if you need me. I'll see you later then."

"See you later then." Quinn echoed.


"Hey, how'd you get Quinn to come to the game?" Finn asked Puck when they stopped for the halftime show.

"Quinn's here?" Puck questioned Finn.

"Yeah, Rachel ran into her under the bleachers." Finn nodded.

"I invited her, but I didn't think she was coming." Puck said. "I'll be right back."

Puck walked around and went underneath the bleachers. He found random freshmen on Quinn's couch, but Quinn wasn't there.

"Get the hell off of my couch!"

Puck turned around and saw Quinn standing there. She was in leggings, boots, and Puck's sweatshirt with a cigarette in her hand.

"Now!" Quinn hissed, and the freshmen scattered away. She looked at Puck, her face softening. "Hey."

"Hey." Puck said. "Finn said he saw you so I came to say hi."

"Hi." Quinn repeated.

"I'm glad you're here. I didn't think you'd come." Puck noted.

"Yeah, I didn't think so either, but your mom came home and-"

"My mom came home? Sorry, Q." Puck apologized. "Did she say anything?"

"Not really." Quinn shook her head. "She didn't recognize me at first so she was a little freaked out until she heard my voice, but then it was fine."

Puck nodded slowly, unsure if he believed Quinn.

"Well, halftime's almost over so you should go back." Quinn said as she plopped down on her couch.

"You're not gonna come watch?" Puck asked.

"I don't need to watch to know how well you're playing." Quinn stated. "Even if you guys lose."

"Okay." Puck nodded. "I'll see you later."

"Yeah, you're not allowed on the motorcycle when you're all sweaty so I'll meet you at your house." Quinn said.

"Okay." Puck smiled as he walked away, heading back to the football field.

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