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Quinn and Puck spent Friday night hanging out, eating, and just being together.

"It's late. Can you take me home?" Quinn requested at the end of the night.

"You wanna stay over?" Puck asked. "And come to the game tomorrow?"

"No, I should get home." Quinn said. "Can you take me home?"


Puck dropped Quinn off and returned home. He showered and played Xbox for a while, easily losing track of time.

Puck's phone started ringing and he furrowed his eyebrow when he saw that it was almost 1am and it was Quinn calling.


"Noah." Quinn said softly. "I need you to come pick me up."

"Are you okay?" Puck asked, putting down his controller and getting up. "Where are you?"

"I was at this party and the cops came and..." Quinn trailed off.

"I'll be right there." Puck promised as he grabbed his wallet and keys. "Just hang tight, okay?"

"Okay." Quinn replied. "Thank you."


Puck picked Quinn up and started driving home. Neither of them said anything. They were both calm, but quiet.

"You should stay over." Puck said, parking in front of his house. "We can talk whenever you're ready and you can come to the game tomorrow."

"What about your mom? And Sarah?" Quinn questioned Puck.

"We'll be gone before my mom gets home." Puck stated. "And Sarah's sleeping over her friend's house."

"So we'll have the house to ourselves?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah." Puck nodded. "If you want, you can take my room and I'll take the couch."

Quinn shook her head. "I think we can share a bed, Noah."

"Whatever you want." Puck said. "Let's just go inside and settle in."

Quinn nodded, and Puck led the way inside.

Puck and Quinn went upstairs to Puck's room. It was a little messy, so he cleaned up and threw his dirty clothes in the corner of the room.

Quinn raised her eyebrow as she watched him.

"Out of sight, out of mind." Puck noted. "Do you wanna talk?"

"I just wanna shower and go to bed." Quinn decided.

"I'll get you some towels then." Puck replied.

"I can get them." Quinn told Puck. "I know where the towels are."

"Right." Puck nodded. "Okay."

Puck watched Quinn leave the room. She returned shortly with towels.

"I hope you don't mind whichever one of these I use to dry my hair with is gonna end up turning pink." Quinn warned Puck.

"Yeah, that's okay." Puck said. "You remember how to work my shower?"

"I'll yell if I need you." Quinn promised as she walked into Puck's bathroom.

Puck grabbed one of his t-shirts for Quinn. He knew she loved wearing big shirts to bed, and there was a time when she loved wearing Puck's shirts specifically.

"Noah!" Quinn yelled.

Puck entered the bathroom and looked at Quinn, who was wrapped in a towel. "What's wrong?"

"There's a spider in the shower." Quinn stated.

"You screamed like that over a spider?" Puck asked.

"You know I hate spiders." Quinn said.

"No, the old you hated spiders." Puck pointed out. "The new you or the real you or whatever can take the showerhead and spray the spider down the drain."

"What if it crawls back up?" Quinn wondered.

"Are you serious? It's not gonna crawl back up." Puck replied.

"Just shut up and get it for me." Quinn requested.

"Alright." Puck nodded. He pulled back the curtain and looked at the small spider before turning back to Quinn. "You screamed like that over this? This is a sad excuse for a spider. It's barely even a bug."

"Noah." Quinn muttered. "Shut up."

Puck sighed as he grabbed the showerhead.

"Don't put it down the drain!" Quinn exclaimed. "Just kill it."

Puck smiled slightly as he picked up the spider and flushed it down the toilet.

"It's not funny." Quinn said.

"I didn't laugh." Puck shrugged.

"You're smiling." Quinn noted.

"Shut up and shower." Puck responded. "I have one of my t-shirts waiting for you."

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