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Puck went inside with Finn and Rachel, who led the way.

When the apartment door opened, Shelby hugged and greeted Rachel before smiling at the boys.

"I'm glad you guys are here." Shelby said, looking at Puck. "Come inside. Beth should be up from her nap soon."

"Thanks for having us." Rachel smiled as she led the boys inside.

"Of course." Shelby smiled back. "Can I get you guys anything to eat or drink?"

"I'm fine. Thank you." Rachel said.

"I'm okay." Finn nodded.

"Puck?" Shelby offered.

Puck shook his head. "No thanks."

"Alright, well, make yourselves comfortable." Shelby said, excusing herself to go check on Beth.

Finn and Rachel sat down on the couch and looked at Puck.

"You okay, dude?" Finn asked.

Puck nodded as he slowly sat down. "Y-Yeah, I'm good."

Finn nodded back and looked at Rachel.

Shelby returned a few minutes later with a small blonde baby on her hip.

"She just woke up so she's gonna be a little cranky." Shelby warned the teenagers as she sat down with Beth on her lap. "But at least she has a fresh diaper."

"She's gorgeous." Puck noted as he looked at Beth. "She looks just like Quinn."

"She looks like you, too." Shelby told Puck. "Her mischievous smile is a Puckerman trait."

"Yeah." Puck agreed with a small smile. "She's a good Fabray/Puckerman mix."

"Yeah." Shelby nodded as she looked at Beth. "Beth, look who's here. Some new friends. There's Rachel and Finn, and..."

Shelby trailed off, unsure of how to introduce Puck.

"Maybe Quinn was right." Puck shrugged. "Maybe it's not fair for me to be Beth's dad when Quinn can't be her mom."

"Do you wanna be her dad?" Shelby wondered.

"Yeah." Puck answered. "But what about Quinn?"

"Quinn made her own choices." Shelby responded. "She doesn't wanna be here, so when it comes to Beth, she doesn't matter anymore."

"She'll come around." Puck said defensively. "She's just adjusting to everything that's happened."

"I understand what she's going through." Shelby nodded. "But she has a lot of growing up to do."

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