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When Puck got home from school, he was surprised to see Quinn on his front steps. He got out of the car and walked over to her.

"You have a lot of freaking nerve showing up here when I've been looking for you for weeks!" Puck hissed.

"Noah." Quinn said softly as she stood up.

"Miss Pillsbury called me into her office today." Puck added. "If you don't come back to school, you're gonna flunk out."

Quinn bit her lip and looked at Puck. He could tell she had been crying.

"What happened?" Puck wondered, instantly calming down.

"I need you to take me to the doctor." Quinn told Puck.

"What?" Puck asked.

Quinn looked at Puck.

"When's the appointment?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"In, like, half an hour." Quinn said.

"Alright, let's go." Puck nodded as he took Quinn's hand.

The pair got into the car and Puck started driving. Quinn didn't say where they had to go, but Puck knew.

When they got there, Quinn signed in and sat down next to Puck in the waiting room. Puck took her hand while they waited in silence.


Quinn stood up and looked at Puck. "Will you come with me? Please?"

Puck nodded and stood up. He followed Quinn and the nurse to one of the rooms.

The nurse took Quinn's vitals and a blood sample.

"Dr. Chin will be with you shortly." The nurse told Quinn before leaving the room.

Quinn looked at Puck. "You can go back to yelling at me once we leave here."

"I'm not gonna yell at you." Puck said softly as he sat down in the swivel chair next to Quinn and took her hand again. "This is why you were avoiding me? You could've called me."

"I know. I just... This can't be happening. Not again." Quinn replied. "And this time is worse because we should've known better, and I've been smoking and drinking and-"

"Hey." Puck cut Quinn off as he squeezed her hand. "Wait until you hear from the doctor, okay? Don't start worrying yet."

"Okay." Quinn said softly as Dr. Chin entered the room.

"Quinn? Hi." Dr. Chin said, barely recognizing Quinn underneath the pink hair.

"Hi." Quinn responded. "I don't know if you remember Noah."

"I remember." Dr. Chin nodded as she looked through Quinn's chart. "It's good to see you both. Let's talk about why you're here."

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