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In the morning, Puck dropped his sister off at her school before texting Quinn and heading to pick her up.

When Puck got to the Fabray house, he texted Quinn that he was there. He eyed Quinn's car in the driveway while he waited for her.

"Morning." Quinn muttered as she got in the passenger seat and buckled her seatbelt. "No motorcycle today?"

Puck shook his head. "It's supposed to rain later. No car today?"

"My mom took my keys." Quinn answered.

Puck looked at Quinn.

"I think she's getting the oil changed or something for me." Quinn said.

Puck knew Quinn was lying but he nodded as he started driving. "Can you do me a favor today?"

"I'm not coming back to glee club." Quinn replied as she dug through her purse and pulled out her cigarettes and lighter. "Do you mind?"

"It's not about glee club." Puck said as he rolled down Quinn's window and glanced at her. "I was gonna ask if you wanna have lunch with me today. We can eat in the choir room or on your couch or whatever."

"Okay." Quinn agreed as she lit her cigarette and took a drag. "What are we having?"

"I thought you've been bringing lunch." Puck noted. "Since no one's seen you in the cafeteria."

"Right, yeah. I meant what are you having?" Quinn corrected herself.

Puck shrugged. "Depends on the cafeteria options."

Quinn nodded.

The drive continued in silence. Puck felt like he had a lot to say, but he knew he had to take baby steps or Quinn would end up treating him like the rest of the glee kids.

"Well, we're here." Puck noted as he parked in the school parking lot.

"Thanks for driving me." Quinn said.

"I'll see you in Spanish?" Puck asked.

"Maybe." Quinn nodded as she got out of the car. "See you later, Puck."

"See you, Q."


At lunchtime, Puck went to Quinn's locker.

"Hey." Puck smiled. "Ready?"

"Yeah." Quinn said. "What's the plan?"

"Well, it's raining so I figured we'd eat here." Puck responded. "I got one of the freshman nerds to keep a classroom on hold for me."

"Sweet." Quinn replied as she closed her locker.

Puck and Quinn started walking to lunch together.

"I noticed you actually went to Spanish today." Puck noted.

"Hey, do you still throw dweebs in the dumpster?" Quinn wondered, ignoring Puck.

Puck nodded slowly. "Sometimes."

Quinn nodded back, smiling slightly at the thought of her peers being humiliated.

"Maybe I'll join you sometime." Quinn suggested.

"Yeah." Puck replied.

Puck and Quinn kept walking until they reached one of the classrooms.

Puck paused and looked at Quinn.

"Promise me you won't get mad at me." Puck requested.

"Why would I-"

"Hi, Quinn."

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