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A week went by without Puck talking to Quinn. In fact, he barely saw her. She didn't show up to lunch and she hadn't been in Spanish class for a few days.

"Berry." Puck muttered as he approached Finn and Rachel at Rachel's locker. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure." Rachel nodded as she turned to Finn. "I'll meet you in the cafeteria, okay?"

Finn nodded back and lightly kissed Rachel before walking away.

"What's up, Noah?" Rachel wondered.

"You're going to Shelby's later, right?" Puck asked.

Rachel nodded. "Did you need a ride or something? 'Cause I think Finn's coming, too."

"No, I have my truck." Puck replied. "I was just wondering if you heard if Quinn's going."

"If Quinn was going, wouldn't you know?" Rachel wondered.

Puck nodded slowly. "Right. I just haven't seen much of her lately, so..."

"Well, I haven't seen her in a while." Rachel said. "But from what Shelby said, it's just us. And Finn."

"If you see Quinn, can you talk to her about coming?" Puck requested. "I think she should be there."

"I'll talk to her." Rachel promised.

"Thanks." Puck said. "See you later then."

"See you."


After school, Puck headed to Shelby's apartment. He was late, but he didn't want to be the first one there anyway.

Puck parked his car and checked his phone to see if Quinn had texted him.

Unsurprisingly, she hadn't.

Puck was interrupted by a knock on his window. He jumped back to reality and looked at Finn and Rachel.

"Come on, man." Finn said.

Puck nodded as got out of the car. "I'll meet you guys inside."

"Quinn's not coming." Rachel told Puck. "Sorry."

"I wasn't waiting for Quinn." Puck said as he took out his pack of cigarettes. "I was gonna smoke."

"Don't." Rachel shook her head. "Shelby's not gonna want the smell in her apartment. Or around Beth. You can smoke when you leave."

"Fine." Puck replied as he opened his car door and got out. "Let's just go in and get this over with."

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