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"Hey." Puck said, smiling as he walked over to Quinn's locker.

"Hey." Quinn grinned. "I had fun last night."

"Yeah, me, too." Puck nodded. "You didn't get in trouble with your mom or anything, did you?"

"No, she was out." Quinn said. "I didn't see her until this morning."

"How is she?" Puck wondered.

"She's fine." Quinn replied. "You don't wanna hear about my mom though. What's up?"

"Nothing." Puck shrugged. "Are you coming to Spanish?"

"I don't know." Quinn stated. "Are you going?"

"Yeah." Puck said. "Come with me."

"Fine." Quinn replied. "But only if you tell me what it is you were gonna tell me."

"Alright." Puck took a deep breath. "Don't get mad, okay?"

"Mad?" Quinn repeated.

"I ran into Shelby in the parking lot this morning." Puck said. "She invited me to see Beth today."

"Oh." Quinn nodded.

"If you don't want me to go, I won't." Puck told Quinn. "You and I can hang out instead."

Quinn shook her head. "No, it's okay. You should go."

"You could come with me." Puck offered. "I can talk to Shelby."

"I don't think that's a good idea." Quinn responded. "But it's fine. I don't wanna go."

"Are you sure?" Puck asked.

"Yes." Quinn nodded. "Now can we please talk about something else?"

"Sure." Puck said. "Wanna talk about last night?"

"I thought you said you had fun." Quinn replied as she closed her locker.

"I did." Puck said. "I just... I don't know, do we need to talk about it?"

"Noah." Quinn looked at him. "We can fool around without it meaning something."

"Alright, good." Puck replied. "Then maybe we could do it again sometime. I mean, since we both had fun."

"Yeah." Quinn smiled. "Sure."

"Cool." Puck smiled back as the bell rang. "I'm gonna go to class. You coming?"

"Yeah, I'll meet you there."

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