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"Welcome to detention."

Puck sat down and furrowed his eyebrow at the sight of Finn there.

"Since it's only three of you, I trust that you can stay out of trouble for an hour."

Before the teacher who was assigned to monitor detention could say anything else, she put her head down and closed her eyes, quickly falling asleep at her desk.

"I'm out of here." Puck decided.

"Me, too." Quinn said as she stood up.

"What? Guys, what if she wakes up?" Finn asked nervously.

"This isn't the first time I've had detention." Puck shrugged as he erased the chalkboard. "This lady falls asleep every time and never remembers who was here or why she's even here."

"Are you sure? Maybe we should just stay anyway." Finn said.

"I'm not staying." Puck shook his head. "Come on, Finn."

Finn looked at Quinn.

"Puck's right. It doesn't make a difference if we stay here or not." Quinn stated.

With that, the classroom door opened and Mr. Schue entered.

"Hi, guys. I'm your detention sub for the day." Mr. Schue said. "Have a seat, Puck."

Puck went back to his seat and looked at Finn as he sat down. "You told Mr. Schue?"

"I didn't tell him anything." Finn said.

Puck watched as Mr. Schue gently woke the other teacher up. She left, leaving the students with their glee coach.

"None of you should be here." Mr. Schue told the students. "Miss Fabray."

Puck looked at Quinn, who had her earbuds in her ears and her feet propped up on the desk.

Quinn put her feet down and stood up.

"Detention isn't over." Mr. Schue told Quinn.

"I have to use the bathroom." Quinn said, wrapping her earbud wires around her phone and putting it in her bag.

"You don't need your bag in the bathroom." Mr. Schue replied.

"Actually, I do." Quinn answered. "I need to change my tampon."

"Quinn." Puck muttered.

Quinn looked at Puck then Finn, who was silently staying out of it, though his cheeks were red.

"Just go." Mr. Schue nodded.

Puck watched Quinn gather her things and walk out of the room.

"Finn, how did you get detention?" Mr. Schue wondered.

"There was beer in my car." Finn answered. "But it wasn't mine. I swear, Mr. Schue."

Mr. Schue looked at Puck.

Puck shrugged.

"We need to talk about Quinn." Mr. Schue stated. "This isn't her."

"I'm taking care of it." Puck promised as he stood up.

"Sit down, Puck." Mr. Schue ordered.

"You know she left, right?" Puck asked. "She's not in the bathroom. She's ditching."

Mr. Schue looked at Puck.

"I know this might not be the best way to fix things, but I think I'm the only one who can help her." Puck explained. "Especially if she thinks I'm on her side."

Finn and Mr. Schue looked at each other.

"Just trust me." Puck requested. "Please."

"Alright." Mr. Schue sighed. "Go."

Puck gathered his things and walked out of the room.

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