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Puck didn't see or hear from Quinn for about a week. On Friday morning, he decided to take a nap on her couch before school started.


Puck opened his eyes and looked at Santana. "Santana."

"Sit up, shut up, and listen up." Santana commanded.

"Relax." Puck said as he sat up. "I'm sure whatever I did to make you mad-"

"I'm not mad." Santana cut Puck off. "I came here to talk."

"To talk?" Puck repeated.

"About you and Quinn." Santana said.

"Me and Quinn? We're not dating." Puck told Santana.

Santana folded her arms.

"We're not official or anything." Puck said. "It's casual."

"Are you having sex with her?" Santana wondered.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow. "That has nothing to do with you."

"Are you using condoms?" Santana asked, folding her arms. "Well, of course not, you never do."

"Hey." Puck said.

Santana raised her eyebrow. "Are you?"

"No, but I think she's on the pill." Puck responded.

"Oh, you think? Okay, good." Santana said.

"What's going on?" Puck asked.

"Nothing." Santana replied. "You need to be responsible for both of you because she's insane. And the last thing she needs right now is-"

"You know, Finn already had this conversation with me." Puck said.

"Finn's conversation didn't seem to stick." Santana noted. "You need to shape up, and if you can't do it for you, do it for Quinn and for Beth."

"I haven't changed." Puck pointed out.

"You've gotten worse this year." Santana said. "You stopped coming to glee, and if you weren't paying a freshman to do your homework, you wouldn't be on any teams or passing any classes either."

"I'm taking care of things." Puck replied.

"Well, do better." Santana ordered. "You and Quinn are sad, well, boo freaking hoo. You don't get to ruin our senior year or your futures just because you're sad."

"You're out of line." Puck said, shaking his head.

"Maybe." Santana nodded. "Or maybe some tough love is the only way you'll wake up and listen before it's too late."

Puck looked at Santana.

"I have to go." Santana said. "I'll see you later."

"Yeah, see you later."

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