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Puck was smoking on his front steps when Quinn pulled up.

"Hey." Quinn said as she tossed Puck his keys. "What's up?"

"Nothing." Puck replied as he stood up. "I was gonna run to the store. You wanna come with me?"

"Sure." Quinn nodded.

"Let's take the truck." Puck decided. "I'll drive."

The pair got in Puck's truck and Puck drove to the nearby 7-11.

"I'm getting beer." Puck said when he parked the car. "Want anything?"

"Yeah, I'll come in with you." Quinn nodded.

Puck nodded back and got out of the car. He went inside and grabbed a 24-bottle case of beer.

"Noah." Quinn said.

"Want anything?" Puck asked as he put the case on the counter and took out his wallet. "You know what? Grab two packs of cigarettes. One for her and one for me."

The cashier nodded and handed Puck the cigarettes.

"Do you want anything?" Puck asked Quinn again as he pocketed the packs.

"Can we share the beer?" Quinn requested.

"Yeah, of course." Puck said.

"Okay, then I'm good." Quinn said as she picked up the case of beer. "I'll wait in the car while you pay."

Puck handed the cashier his fake ID and some cash.

"Have a nice day!" The cashier said as he gave Puck his ID and his change.


"Before we keep drinking, I was hoping that we could talk." Quinn suggested as she looked at the empty bottles on Puck's headboard.

"About what?" Puck wondered.

"About whatever made you wanna drink so much tonight." Quinn said.

"It's a Friday night. I'm allowed to drink." Puck said as he got up.

"Where are you going?" Quinn asked.

"To order pizza." Puck answered.

"Noah, can we talk first?" Quinn requested as she sat up on the bed. "Please."

"You were right about Shelby manipulating us." Puck sighed. "I went over there with Finn and Rachel and she told me to leave."

"What? Why?" Quinn questioned Puck.

"She said something about how I'm not consistent enough." Puck explained. "Just 'cause I bailed on visiting a few times recently."

"We don't need Shelby." Quinn said softly.

"Yeah, but we need Beth." Puck replied as he sat down on the bed.

"Not if it means Shelby gets to tell us what to do." Quinn argued. She took a deep breath, pausing briefly. "And you know, we could just make another one."

"Another what?" Puck wondered.

"Another baby." Quinn said.

Puck looked at Quinn.

"It would be like a do-over." Quinn shrugged. "Right?"

"Yeah." Puck said.

"Okay, so hold off on the pizza." Quinn told Puck. "'Til after."

Puck nodded as he cupped Quinn's cheeks and kissed her.

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