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"Hey." Quinn smiled.

"It's Friday." Puck noted. "And it's not raining."

"Yeah, we lucked out." Quinn said. "I was on my way to enjoy the fresh air with a cigarette, if you wanna join me."

"I was thinking you could come over." Puck told Quinn. "If you want."

"You don't have football practice? Or glee club?" Quinn questioned Puck.

"There's no practice because we have a game tomorrow, which I'm officially inviting you to." Puck said.

"Officially." Quinn repeated.

Puck nodded. "And I haven't been to glee club in, like, a week."

"Well, don't skip on my behalf." Quinn said.

"No, it's cool. Mr. Schue asked me to take a break from the club anyway." Puck told Quinn. "So come over tonight. We could order a pizza and hang out."

"Okay." Quinn nodded. "Do you have your truck or your motorcycle?"

"I have my motorcycle." Puck said. "Come on. I wanna show you something."

"Lead the way."

Puck led Quinn out of McKinley and to the parking lot.


Puck turned around and looked at Quinn, who had stopped by the dumpster.

"You said you still throw kids in here, right?" Quinn asked.

Puck nodded. "Yeah, it's still my dumpster."

"Well, when's the next time you're doing it?" Quinn wondered. "Because I wanna do it, too."

"Monday?" Puck offered.

"Perfect." Quinn smiled slightly. "I wanna get back anyone who had something to say when I got pregnant. Starting with JBI since he got me kicked off of the Cheerios."

"I thought you didn't care about Cheerios anymore?" Puck asked as he and Quinn continued walking.

"I don't anymore, but I did back then." Quinn replied as they reached Puck's motorcycle. "What did you wanna show me?"

"I got you a helmet." Puck said as he pulled out the pink helmet. "To match your hair."

"Thanks." Quinn nodded. "You didn't have to do that."

"Well, I don't want you cracking your head open or anything." Puck shrugged as he put the helmet on Quinn's head. "Here."

Quinn put her hand out for the keys, and Puck gave them to her. He put his helmet on and got on the motorcycle, holding onto Quinn.

"Let's get out of here." Quinn said, revving the engine before driving away.

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