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Puck took what Santana said to heart. He knew she wasn't the most emotionally expressive person, but she cared about him and Quinn a lot - even if she had a funny way of showing it at times.

Puck wanted to talk to Quinn, but she was hardly ever in school, and when she was, she avoided Puck.

About a month went by. Puck figured if Quinn was avoiding him, there must be a reason so after a while he gave up. He decided to let Quinn come to him.

Puck devoted his time to sports and work. He even visited Beth a few times throughout the month after making amends with Shelby.

Puck was hanging out with Finn in their last class of the day when Miss Pillsbury stood in the doorway.

"Noah." Miss Pillsbury said. "Can I see you in my office?"

"Oooooh." Finn teased.

Puck rolled his eyes as he stood up.

"You can bring your things." Miss Pillsbury added.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow and grabbed his books as he followed the guidance counselor to her office.

"Have a seat." Miss Pillsbury said.

"Am I in trouble? 'Cause I'm sure I didn't do whatever it is you think I did." Puck stated.

"You're not in trouble." Miss Pillsbury promised. "I wanted to talk to you about your future."

"You mean like this weekend?" Puck asked.

"I mean like after graduation." Miss Pillsbury clarified. "College."

"College?" Puck repeated as he shook his head. "Not for me. I'm too dumb for college, but I don't wanna go anyway."

"You're not dumb." Miss Pillsbury told Puck. "And when you actually show up to class and do your homework, your grades are decent."

"I'm not going to college." Puck told Miss Pillsbury. "I don't want to."

"Okay." Miss Pillsbury nodded. "What do you wanna do next year?"

"I'm gonna move to L.A. and work in Hollywood." Puck replied. "And until then, I have my pool-cleaning business, which I'll expand on the west coast."

"Sounds like you have a good plan." Miss Pillsbury noted. "What about Quinn?"

"I thought you're not supposed to discuss other students with me." Puck said.

"Will and I thought if anyone could get through to Quinn, it might be you." Miss Pillsbury responded. "If she misses more school, she's going to be in danger of having to repeat senior year."

"How is that even possible?" Puck asked. "Quinn's grades are much better than mine."

Miss Pillsbury nodded slowly. "She hasn't been to school in weeks."

"In weeks? At all?" Puck questioned the guidance counselor.

"If she misses another day, she's not gonna graduate in time." Miss Pillsbury warned Puck. "But if she comes back now, we can make a plan with her teachers and keep her where she should be in the class rank."

"Okay." Puck nodded as he got up. "I'll handle it."

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