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"Morning." Puck said.

"Morning." Quinn replied.

"Are you hungover?" Puck asked. "I can get up and make us something."

"I'm okay." Quinn told Puck. "Besides, cold pizza is a decent breakfast, right?"

"Yeah." Puck nodded, sitting up in his bed as Quinn grabbed the pizza box. She sat back down and opened it.

"So... about last night-"

"We can just forget it." Puck interrupted. "We were drinking and I was mad and... We can't have another baby, Quinn. We can't go through all of that again. You can't."

"I agree." Quinn stated.

"You do?" Puck asked.

"Yeah." Quinn nodded. "You were mad and I wasn't thinking straight."

"Okay." Puck said. "So we're good?"

"Yeah, of course." Quinn replied as she bit into a slice of pizza.

"Since we're talking about things, why don't we talk about you?" Puck suggested.

"Me?" Quinn said.

Puck nodded. "What made you change so much in one summer? Is it school? Or me?"

"I should get home." Quinn stated as she put the pizza down. She got up and started gathering her things.

"I'm sorry if it was me." Puck apologized.

"It wasn't you." Quinn told him. "You're, like, the only one I have."

"You could have more." Puck pointed out. "If you come to glee club or come to class. Everyone's rooting for you."

Quinn shook her head. "Things have changed. Besides, I don't need everybody. All they ever did was tell me how selfish and spoiled I was."

"So prove them wrong." Puck told Quinn. "Prove them all wrong. Well, except me, prove me right."

"Noah, I have to go." Quinn repeated.

"Okay so go." Puck nodded. "I'm not gonna chase you and I'm not gonna force you to stay over."

"No I meant I have to get out of here. Out of Lima." Quinn replied, pausing for a moment. "Let's just do it. Let's run away."

"You know how many times I've thought about doing that over the years?" Puck asked. "But Q, we can't just run away."

"Why not?" Quinn asked, sitting back down on the bed.

"Where would we even go?" Puck wondered.

"Anywhere we want." Quinn said as looked at Puck. "You always talk about L.A., and the sunshine would be nice."

"What about our families? My mom and Sarah." Puck responded. "And your mom."

"My mom doesn't need me and I don't need her." Quinn muttered as she got up again. "I have to go."

Puck sighed as Quinn walked out of the room.

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