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"Hey." Quinn said as Puck joined her on the couch. "Where's the beer?"

"Figgins took it." Puck answered.

"Okay, so let's go get more." Quinn suggested.

"Just forget it." Puck said, putting a cigarette in his mouth and lighting it.

"What's wrong?" Quinn wondered.

"Nothing." Puck replied.

"Okay." Quinn nodded.

The pair sat in silence for a few minutes while they smoked.

"Do you wanna get out of here?" Puck asked Quinn as he tossed his cigarette onto the ground.

Quinn looked at him.

"My mom's not home." Puck added with a shrug. "We can hang out and I can make dinner."

"Sure." Quinn nodded. She tossed her cigarette onto the ground beside Puck's and stood up.

Puck got up and led Quinn back to the parking lot where he left his motorcycle. He handed Quinn the helmet.

Puck got on the motorcycle and looked at Quinn. "What, are you suddenly afraid of my bike?"

"Actually, sort of the opposite." Quinn said. "I was kind of hoping I could drive."

"You?" Puck asked with a laugh.

"I know how to drive it." Quinn insisted. "I've been on it enough to figure it out, and you could teach me the rest."

"Okay, fine." Puck nodded as he got up. "But if you're driving, I'm wearing the helmet."

"I'm not gonna crash the motorcycle." Quinn rolled her eyes.

"Helmet." Puck repeated.

"You could have the decency to get another one." Quinn said as she handed it to Puck.

"I'll make a note of that." Puck responded as he put the helmet on and looked at Quinn. "Come on."

Quinn got on the motorcycle excitedly and put her hands on the throttle. She revved the engine and grinned as she glanced back at Puck, who had just sat down behind her.

"Nice and easy." Puck told Quinn. "I wanna get home alive, okay?"

"Yeah, of course." Quinn nodded.

"You know what? Here." Puck said as he took the helmet off and put it on Quinn's head. "Let's go home."

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