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"Hey." Puck said as he got out of bed on Sunday. "You're up early. What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna take the pink out of my hair today." Quinn decided.

"Really?" Puck said. "I was kinda starting to get used to it."

"Well, I never liked it." Quinn replied. "I just did it to switch things up."

Puck nodded. "I'll help you with your hair and we can eat something while the bleach sits."

"Okay." Quinn nodded back. "Thanks."

Puck got up and followed Quinn into the bathroom. He put on gloves and helped her apply bleach to her whole head, gently running his fingers through her hair to coat each piece.

"Come downstairs and eat." Puck requested, removing the gloves when Quinn's hair was covered.

"I wanna talk to you." Quinn stated. "About something."

"Yeah, sure." Puck said. "What's up?"

Quinn sat down on Puck's bed and looked at him.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow and slowly sat down.

"You were there when the doctor said I missed my period because I'm underweight and stressed." Quinn began. "And you haven't said anything."

"Food has always been a sore subject for you and I didn't wanna overstep." Puck told Quinn.

"That's really sweet of you." Quinn replied.

"But since you brought it up, can I ask you something?" Puck asked, and Quinn nodded. "How can you be underweight? You eat the way you always have."

"When I'm with you." Quinn finished. "But things are different when I'm not."

"You're beautiful, Quinn." Puck told her.

"I'm not restricting myself." Quinn clarified. "My parents' divorce was finalized a little over a month ago and since then, my mom's been on me almost everyday."

"What do you mean?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"That's when I started avoiding you." Quinn stated. "I was scared."

"What do you mean she's been on you?" Puck asked again.

"She's just been more controlling over me. She blames me for everything that happened with my dad and-"

"Your dad made his choices. He chose to cheat on your mom." Puck cut Quinn off.

"I know that." Quinn said. "But it's easier for my mom to blame me so she does. Sometimes she takes it out on me. It's not a big deal."

"Physically?" Puck asked.

"Usually she just yells or throws things." Quinn told Puck. "She stopped keeping up with groceries and sometimes I don't have dinner, and I spent all of my money on cigarettes so..."

"So you can't eat." Puck noted.

"Yeah." Quinn shrugged.

"Has your mom noticed that you've spent days and weekends here?" Puck wondered.

"No." Quinn said.

"So you can stay here. We'll go to school and glee club and we'll graduate, and then you can get the hell out of here and away from her." Puck stated.

"Yeah, that's the plan." Quinn nodded. "But I can't stay here, Noah. Your mom's done enough for me."

"My mom's never home." Puck reminded Quinn. "And she liked having you here. I liked having you here."

Quinn bit her lip.

"Stay over tonight and come to school tomorrow." Puck said. "We can go to glee club together and figure everything out. I promise."

"I have to go rinse my hair."

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