Gobber and Astrid

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Dear Gobber,

I want to thank you for all you've done for me. I've learnt important skills

That I wouldn't get anywhere else on the island. I can repair things, make

Things and invent crazy knick-knacks as you call them. I know how every

Piece of everything in the forge works, and it's thanks to you. I'm

Really sorry that I have to go, but no one wants a fishbone in a handful

of fearless Vikings, do they? I hope that your life serves you well,

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III

This time, I couldn't stop the tears, Gobber was going to be the hardest to leave. He had been more of a father to me than Dad had been. He had been there when no one else was.

Time for the next letter.


Without me, you and the gang could become the most feared

And fearless warriors in the Archipelago. I loved the years when we

Were friends, but I guess it had to end somewhere. Remember the time

We went searching for trolls, and fell in the water well? I am a burden

Upon berks shoulders. The only way to lift it is if I am gone. I really wanted

You to know, that I look up to you in every way possible.

I hope I may see you again,



I wish that I didn't have to leave. now I think about it, there are so many people I'll miss.

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