Wildest Dreams

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 A word of warning before you read this chapter:

This chapter contains death and drowning of the protagonist. Some scenes or sentences may trigger. If you don't think you should read this, I strongly advise you not to.

Anyway, let's get on with it.

I fluttered my eyes open and looked around the hold. Everyone was already gone and I was alone in the hold. The untamed waves were tossing the boat back and forth furiously. I tried to stand, but my body was frozen; stuck. Thunder rumbled violently overhead, a warning of the flashes of lightning soon to come.

I could see out of the doorway onto the wet deck, reflecting the full moon's light. I could see silhouettes of people muttering and talking, Except none of the voices were too familiar. Lightning struck the front sail, setting it alight. One man yelled instructions to the other people. I suddenly recognized the voice. My father.

It couldn't be, my father was dead. Both my parents was killed when their ship sunk 10 years ago. I was having a dream; a nightmare. All about my parent's death.

I tried to will myself to wake up. But nothing I did seemed to work. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine the ship I was REALLY on.

A ship on calm waters with all my friends.no troubles. I am out of this dream. This nightmare never even happened. I am fine.

When I opened my eyes again, I was not on a boat with my friends on peaceful seas. I was still on the viciously rocking ship in the middle of a merciless storm.

It's just a dream Astrid, just a dream!

But no matter what I told myself, it all seemed so real. So vividly, tremendously real.

Two figures came rushing into the hold. I squinted my eyes to make out the figures, my mother and father.

"Mum! Dad! I'm here! Help! Please! " I screamed at them. They didn't hear. I wanted to go to them, hug them, be with them. But they couldn't hear me.

I used all my strength to break free from my frozen position. I scrambled up, getting tossed from side to side by the lurching ship. I ran to my mother and hugged her. She didn't acknowledge the fact I was there.

"Mum? MUM?" I whimpered, my voice cracking. She didn't reply.

I turned to my father and shook his shoulder. "Dad? Please, no..."

For once, I was scared, Petrified. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't think straight. I was going to die. And my parents couldn't see or hear me. It was like,

I wasn't even there.

Then, my world started crumbling around me. Literally. One waved smashed through the deck and water rushed into the hold, lifting me off my feet. The water chilled me to the bone and the ship started to slowly descend into the murky depths of the ocean and the pleads and screams of dying Vikings made me panic and lose control of all sense I had. The screams lessened as people took their last breaths.

I frantically turned from side to side, searching for my parents. To the right of me, my mother and father were trying , and failing, to fight the waves. I swam towards them with all the strength I had. I was too late. Just as I managed to get to my parents, mum whimpered 10 heart-breaking words before her strength ran out and she let the water fully engulf her body, pulling dad down with her.

"Be safe Astrid my baby, wherever you are, be safe!"

"NO! Mum! Dad!"

The waves were ebbing and flowing were they were just seconds earlier.

I dived into the waves in search of my parents. The water stung my eyes and I felt my throat tightening, but I didn't stop.

Suddenly, my eyes burned like fire and my lungs felt like all the air had been squeezed out of them. I violently tried to thrash my way to the surface, but I couldn't. I tried to scream, but I couldn't. it felt like a wet paw was clamped over my face, drowning me, killing me, suffocating me. I felt the urge to breathe, but I couldn't breathe in water. My head was filled with an excruciating pain, like it was going to explode. I wanted to breathe, live! But the water was dominant over my future.

I couldn't help it anymore. I took a small breath in, inhaling seawater. My surroundings faded yellow, but I still fought for my life. Everything went a sharp black, I It was like I was in a room of blackness.

When I stood up, pictures flashed in front of my eyes, pictures of Dad, Hiccup, mum, my Uncle Finn. All the people I've lost. I tried to turn away from the pictures that flashed in my mind, but they followed me. I was alone, all on my own. Where was I? no one to know I was here. The pictures kept teasing me.

A picture of the day I rejected hiccup as my friend flashed tauntingly in my face. I rushed towards it, but I couldn't touch it. I wanted mum, I wanted dad, I wanted Hiccup, I wanted someone. But no one was there. I stepped as far back as I could go, huddled in the corner and cried my heart out. I was a Viking, I was 20 years old, I shouldn't be crying! But there was no one to see me cry. I buried my face in my knees and let sobs shake my body.

Suddenly, I heard Hiccup's voice.


I sat up. "Hiccup?"

Just letting you know, Astrid never experienced this. You may think part of the dream is her reliving when her parents died, but it's not. Astrid was not on the boat with her parents when it sunk, she is just seeing this. This is just a part added to the story for extra drama and backstory.

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