Chapter 2

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Scott knocked on Sofía's door, but finding it was open. He saw Sofía's dad on the floor, curled up in a ball. ''Mr.De Leon?'' He walked closer to him, when he looked up he noticed that he had been crying.

''They took her from me, they took my daughter,'' he half cried.

Scott felt panic rising inside him. Something very bad had happened ''What?'' Scott kneeled down and touched his shoulder. ''What happened?'' he asked him, desperate to know what happened to his best friend.

''It's all my fault..'' He sniffed. ''I screwed everything up, and now she's gone away from me. Forever.''

''You listen to me, carefully. I will get her back, even if that means I'll have to go to jail or be killed. I will get her back somehow. I promise you that. ''

Her dad  nodded, and there was a hint of hope in his eyes.

His 'men' had gone away and they had arrived into what seemed to be his house. It was practically a mansion, Sofiía's eyes widened at the sight of it. He opened the car door, pulling her out. He walked quickly towards the house, his grip tight on her arm and she did nothing but walk as fast as she could with him. He opened the door, and it revealed the beautiful house. But it was dark, just like he was.

''This is your house?''

''Yes. Now walk!'' he demanded and continued to drag her with him.

''Where are you taking me?'' she half shouted.

''To your room.''

''My room..wait!'' And he pushed her through an open door which made her fall on to the floor and he slammed the door hard. She tried to open it but it was locked. ''WAIT!'' she called, hitting the door. ''PLEASE!'' She was ignored and as she realized that painful truth, Sofía rolled down to the floor.

Though the room had a bed and everything, she still felt as she were a prisoner. A tear ran down her cheek, and she tried not to cry. She couldn't help but think of her loving father, wishing he was right here with her telling her everything would be okay, just like when her mother left them and just like when she fell from her bike and scraped her knee, as it bled. She curled into a ball, crying into her knees.

Moments later the door opened and Theo entered the room, Sofía was on the bed and stared at him with disgust. He didn't seem to care. ''There's food on the table. Come on.''

He forced her to leave her father and now he was forcing her to eat too? What a prick, she thought.''I don't think so..'' she refused and folded her arms together.

He grinned at her rejection .''Fine, then starve...'' he said turning around about to leave.

''Wait,'' she said and she knew that even though she didn't see his face, he was smirking. ''I'll come.'' She stood up from the bed , carefully following him to the dining room.  She looked at the room that was locked, which was strange since most of the other doors were open. She was about to walk towards the door when grabbed her, then let her go.

''Don't ever go in there,'' he said through gritted teeth. He was mad. Very mad.

''Sorry..'' she said and he nodded. She sat down, facing him. ''What, you have a personal chef or something?'' She spat at him, trying to be as despicable as she possibly could, but the one thing that was more despicable was him.

''I have everything love..''

She quickly hissed. ''Except a heart,'' she mumbled under her breath.

''Excuse me?'' He suddenly snapped.

''Nothing.'' She faked a smile and grabbed a spoon as she began to eat the soup that was on the table.

''Your name is Spanish,'' Theo initiated and to her it seemed he was studying her. ''Both your first and your last name. You don't look Spanish,'' he said.

Sofía furrowed her eyebrows. Was he accusing her of being someone else then she was? ''My dad is Spanish as you know, my mother wasn't. And I was named after my grandmother,'' she explained feeling she didn't even owe him an explanation.

He nodded slowly. ''Okay then,'' he said and drank his soup.

She suddenly bumped her head into an alarm, which she had no idea why was on the table and it fell on the floor, and broke. Her eyes widened, wondering what he'd do. She stood up, and bent down on the floor to pick it up. ''I'm so sorry, I must have broken your alarm.''

''It's just an alarm,'' He laughed quietly.

She felt relief rush through her and put it on the table. ''Why was it here anyway?'' She allowed herself to ask.

''I sleep in the living room.''


 ''Because I just do.'' He rolled his eyes. ''Now eat and stop bothering me with your stupid and unnecessary questions,'' he ordered and she picked up the spoon and drank from the soup.

I changed ''the giggle'' into a laugh. I guess guys don't giggle, and doesn't quite fit the manly Theo lol. I'm not from America so I apologize for this haha. 

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