Chapter 16

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''Well you get what you deserve.'' Some of the guys laughed and Theo looked at Sofía angry, picked her up and put her over his shoulder. ''PUT ME DOWN,'' she shouted, hitting him on the back. ''Put me down, I didn't mean it. I swear...'' she cried, he put her down in her room, pushed her inside and on the bed. He suddenly was on top of her, kissing her passionately and she let him, his tongue exploring her mouth. Her eyes were closed as he was kissing her, deepening the kiss and when she felt his lips move away from her she opened her eyes finding him now standing by the bed. He suddenly turned around, walked out and locked the door. She ran from the bed and to the door. Sofía pounded on the door as hard as she could. ''LET ME OUT.'' Theo probably went to the music player and turned up the volume so he couldn't hear her shouting because the music had gotten extremely loud. She suddenly touched her lips, right where he had kissed her. Somehow she had stopped thinking about getting out of the room and all that was on her mind was that kiss.

Elaine walked through the crowd of people and noticed Scott, she smiled and walked over to him. ''Hey cutie,'' she greeted seductively.

''Hey,'' he greeted back surprised. ''Where did you go? You just disappeared.'' 

''I'm sorry if I worried you. I just knew you had some things to do and left.'' She smiled, leaned closer to him and pecked him on the lips. She pulled away and walked off. Scott thought two things of her - she was beautiful and a huge tease.

Sofía had given up on shouting, no one heard her so she remained on the bed hugging her knees, thinking about that kiss. Why did Theo do that? She thought he was mad at her. But, where was Scott when she needed him the most? Or Elaine who was supposed to be her friend? Where was her father or anyone? She shook her head and only continued hugging her knees. She then felt her anger start to fade when she saw the door knob turning and the door being opened. Hopeful to be let out again. Her hope then faded as she saw Cole smirking, lurking inside and closing the door after him. He locked it again and put the keys in his pocket.

''Lonely?'' he asked as he noticed she was hugging her knees.

''Pretty much,'' she admitted and eyed him suspiciously, wondering what he wanted.

''Want some company?'' He bent down to sit on the bed.

''I'm not sure...''

''Look, I know Theo is controlling. It's who he is, he wants control and it's all he cares about. Why do you think he took you? Control, Sofía.''

''So you basically came here to speak about control?'' she asked with no emotion in her voice.  

Cole suddenly laughed.  ''Look, if you want company. All you gotta do is ask.'' He winked at her before rising up from the bed and walking off.

''Can you get me out of here?'' she suddenly asked and Cole turned around.

''From this room?'' he curiously asked.

''From here, I mean get me home. I don't wanna be here anymore,'' she stated.

''We'll see,'' he said and unlocked the door before opening it and leaving the room.

After a moment, the doors burst open and it was Theo, he had cleaned himself up and was barely wet from the soda she had splashed on him. She hadn't thought about the fact that he was wet when he was kissing her. ''Learned your lesson?''

''Oh please.'' She rolled her eyes. ''I'm not allowed to get furious? Control freak.''  She rose up from the bed and walked over to him, she was mad that one second he was kissing her and the next he left and locked her inside. She was so close to him that their faces nearly touched.  ''You know Theo, you had me fooled. I didn't think you were a monster, but you are. All I am is a hostage, a toy you have here to please you because you are lonely.'' Theo blinked, her words were like a dagger in her heart. ''Now will you please get out? I'd like to be alone,'' she said. Theo remained silent,  turning on is heel and walked out slamming the door behind him. ''AHHH!'' she screamed knowing no one would hear her because of the loud music.

Scott came out of the bathroom, he closed the door and felt himself being pulled by no other then Elaine. She had pulled him into another room and closed the door. She started kissing him and he kissed her back. Before he knew she was taking her shirt off.

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