Chapter 1

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She woke up in the middle of the night as she heard the door opening. She jumped up but realized it was probably her dad. He was out most of the time, doing god knows what. He was a good dad, but every night Sofía feared for his life. She feared that everyday he might be killed. He didn't have that typical dad job, he was different. She heard him sigh, collapsing on the bed falling asleep. She was relieved and slowly went back to sleep.

''Morning dad..'' she said as it was morning and he was in his bed still sleeping. She woke him up as she pulled the curtains away. ''I made you breakfast,'' she said cheerfully and he grunted. He was not pleased but she ignored that fact.

''Honey..'' he yawned. ''just let me sleep.''

''Dad, I know you have a tough job but you also have another job and that is to be my dad.'' She folded her arms together, staring at him. As soon as she said that she knew he felt guilty. ''I'm worried about you all the time, please stop this nonsense.''

''Sweetie, you know I can't. It's the only thing that keeps our house going, that helps you to get you where you want to be. I want that for you,'' he said as he slowly got out of the bed.

''Yes, dad I know but I don't want to get my dreams with drug dealing-money,'' she argued, but she knew that wouldn't solve anything.

''When we have enough money, I swear to you that I will quit. I will get a proper job.'' He put his hands to her cheeks and their foreheads touched.

''Thank you daddy.'' She smiled, though she didn't believe him. She was old enough to know what was truth and what wasn't. She was 22 years old. And sure, she could have taken care of herself but the economy had been bad a few years ago before she turned twenty and specially on her dad. She couldn't leave him.

As Sofía greeted her best friend in the whole world, Scott at the university, she smiled. He smiled brightly to her and she did the same. He was her best and only friend, and for her that was enough. ''Hi Scota,'' she said and he rolled his eyes at her.

''Don't call me that, I'm not a girl.'' He would say that to her every single day and it was kind of their thing. They've been best friends since the 5th grade and she would always call him Scota and he would correct her every single time, but still as they were in their twenties she didn't stop and she wouldn't. They were always alike, they had many things in common. And it was funny to her that they event went to the same university. They didn't study the same subject though.

''How are things?'' he asked. There was concern on his face. He knew what was her dad's job and no matter what he always showed concern for her.

''What do you think?'' she rolled her eyes.

''Yeah, my life sucks too ...'' he said, but it was only to cheer her up.

''Shut up,'' she said as she laughed a little and hit him playfully.

When she was home, her dad wasn't there which she thought was strange. Maybe he had some business to attend, but it was strange because he would only do it at night. Never at the middle of the day, maybe he just ran out for 10 minutes, that's what she chose to believe. After a moment of waiting in anticipation, she did her homework,  she did everything she thought of doing but he wasn't there.  All of a sudden her dad ran inside, slamming the door after him.

''DAD!'' she called happily.

''Sofía, go can't be here,'' he said. There was panic all over his face.

''Dad, what's wrong?'' she asked.

''It's not safe, go to Scott's house!'' he shouted.

''Dad I don't understand, what's going on?'' His behaviour started to scare her.

''Get.Out. NOW!'' he called and she stepped back in fear. ''It's too late,'' he whispered, looking around him. Was he going crazy? All of a sudden the windows shattered into pieces and some men came inside. Her dad ran over to Sofía, and put his arms around her. Sofía looked around and they even came from upstairs. Sofía's eyes widened as the door bursted open and some dark haired guy probably in his twenties came at front, and other few men walked behind him. He smirked.

''Mr.De Leon, how sad we had to do this.''

What could he possibly want? Her dad had probably gotten himself into some trouble. ''Dad?'' she asked, confused. ''What did you do?''

''Shoot him!'' the guy ordered.

''NO!'' she shouted, covering her father.

''So this is your daughter.'' He watched her carefully. ''Sofía.'' He smiled a handsome smile, but that smile only disgusted her. ''Unless your father pays me, he dies.''

''What did you do dad?'' she asked.

Her father swallowed, fear all over his face. ''He loaned me some money for the house, we made a deal..and I can't seem to pay him back. Look Mr. Strickland, I don't have enough. Please don't do this, I have a daughter to look after.''

''That's not my problem.''

''Please, I'll do anything! If you just let us go!''

''I'll tell you what.'' He raised his voice at her dad,walking closer to him. ''I'll leave you alone, I'll even give you enough money...if I get her.'' He pointed at her, and her eyes quickly widened.

''NO!'' her dad shouted. ''Forget it!''

The guy, who her father had  referred to as Mr.Strickland then nodded, snapping his fingers and one of the guys pointed the gun at her dad.

''WAIT!'' she stopped him and I walked towards him. ''I'll go with you.'' she told him.

''Sofía, no,'' her dad protested.

She ignored her dad's voice. ''If you promise not to hurt my dad, I'll go with you.''

He suddenly smiled. ''Your a wise girl, but we'll see.'' He touched her cheek and she flinched in disgust.

''Dad, I'm so sorry,'' she whispered as she was hugging him goodbye.

''WE'RE GOING!'' he called out as he had been waiting impatiently, talking to the other men who probably worked for him.

She turned her head quickly to him. ''I'm just going to say goodbye, you can at least give me that,'' she said with fury. He nodded, but not pleased. ''I don't think I'll ever see you again.'' He stroked her cheek, and she hugged him again not ever wanting to let go. ''Goodbye father, forever.'' A tear slid down her cheek and she knew he was crying too, but he didn't show it as much as she did.

''Let's go!'' Mr. Strickland said as he pulled her away from her dad.

''What about my clothes and my stuff?'' she asked, half crying.

''You'll get new things.'' he said sharply and held her arm tightly and rushed out of the house.

''DAD!'' she shouted.

''Goodbye, SOF-'' And the door slammed shut.

''You can atleast tell me your name,'' she said.

''It's Theo,'' he murmured.

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