Chapter 14

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Scott was at his brother's apartment. Danny had let him use it since he was a whole new person for Theo and the other guys. He was dressed in a t-shirt and some jeans. He sniffed some cocaine, half closing his eyes as he felt the satisfaction. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and his eyes shot at it, wondering who it was. The door continued to be knocked on and he walked towards it.

''Who is it?'' he asked, raising his voice as he waited for a reply from the other side of the door.

''Scott, hi. It's Elaine,'' she said, probably finding it strange how he was acting paranoid. Scott grinned and opened the door. ''Hey, how are you?'' she asked as she stepped inside and took off her jacket.

''I'm fine, how are you?''

''I'm good, I've been trying to text you like five times and got no reply," she said. 

Scott looked at his phone seeing five texts.

''Oh wow, no kidding,'' he laughed.

''Uhm... is there something I'm interrupting?'' she laughed pointing at the cocaine on his desk. Scott's face tuned blank and he shrugged his shoulder, Elaine only laughed at him.

''Uhm... well... you know.''

''Oh yeah I know,'' she said still laughing.

''So is there anything I can help you with?'' asked Scott as he stared at Elaine who let herself collapse on his couch and sat there for a while. ''Well, I was wondering if you had something for me. I hate to ask Theo since he's my brother and you work with him,'' she asked as she played with her long dark hair.

''Yeah, everything for you,'' he said, not being able to resist her beauty.  

''Really?'' She smiled at him quite seductively. Scott slowly nodded, finding himself a little nervous. ''Do you think I'm pretty Scott?''

''Yeah,'' he whispered not taking his eyes off her. She signaled him to come closer and grabbed the collar of his t-shirt and pulled him near to kiss her, he put his lips on hers and for a moment they kissed and suddenly she pushed him away. ''Is there something wrong?'' he asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

''No... it's just...'' She touched her nose and out of it ran blood. ''I'm bleeding.'' Scott rushed into the kitchen and handed her some tissue to wipe it away. ''Are you alright?''

Elaine quickly nodded and wiped it off and held the tissue against her nose. ''It'll be alright in a bit... I just need to lay down,'' she said and lied down, sounding tired.

''You tired or something?'' asked Scott looking at her as she was about to doze off.  

''Yeah... you know...'' she mumbled. ''I haven't really slept for three days. Sometimes I just wish I could get away you know... sometimes I wish I could go on vacation...'' She closed her eyes and said nothing more. Scott looked at her as he realized she had fallen a sleep, and she looked so peaceful just lying there.

''Elaine?'' he said her name but she continued to sleep. He grabbed a blanket and tugged her in.  His phone then suddenly vibrated, it was Tony. He picked it up and put the phone to his ear. ''Yeah?'' he answered.

''Come on down here, I need your help. Cole's desperate for a party since he's been away for some years, gonna need some help at my house.''  Scott looked at Elaine as she was still peacefully sleeping. ''I'm kind of occupied right now.''

''Come on down here. Stop what your doing and handle it later, now come!''

''I'm on my way,'' he said. He grabbed his jacket and left the house, feeling guilty as he had to leave Elaine alone.

Moments later when he had returned, the couch was empty and the blanket was almost on the floor. Scott put some gel in his hair and dressed into casual clothes since this was just a casual, relaxing normal party. He put on another t-shirt and some jeans. He then headed over to Theo's place where there were a few cars parked in the driveway. Probably just a few mates of Theo's and some of the guys.

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