Chapter 12

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As she crept outside the room, sick of being stuck inside of it and barely breathing she stopped in her tracks as she saw him. Cole, as they would call him. He was about to say something, she could tell. He was grinning and his eyes traveled up and down her body. It was uncomfortable and merely unpleasant,  she wanted to run but she couldn't. Then she felt safe as she heard a familiar voice, Theo's voice.

''Cole, what are you doing here?'' he asked and from behind him came a girl, she figured it was the girl that Scott had told her about.

''Well, we are in business together..'' He smirked and he looked at her from time to time. ''No, Elaine, awake and alive again.'' He had his arms wide open for her as he offered a hug, and she gave it to him.

''It seems so,'' she said and she could tell that she didn't like him that much. It was strange, like she was his pet dog, like she belonged to him.

''And who's this?'' she asked, as she had noticed her. Theo said nothing. ''Oh Theo, please don't tell me she's your hostage..'' she said, a judgmental tone in her voice and with her arms folded. Theo remained silent for a moment, and after a while he shrugged. ''Don't you worry,'' she said sounding friendly and  she put her hand on her shoulder. ''Stick with me and you'll be fine.'' She winked at her.

She nodded. ''Thanks,'' she giggled.

''I'm Elaine,'' she told her.

''Sofía,'' she said, still feeling Cole's eyes on her.

''Okay, now let's go to the club, where the bar is. I need a drink...'' Cole said and she looked down knowing that she'd have to stay. It was not that she was desperate to take some shots or something and see drunk people, she was just sick of staying here all alone and lonely.

''Hey Theo..'' said Tony and put his arm around her shoulder. ''Sofía can come right?'' he asked.

''I'm not sure..'' Theo said, sounding like a parent.

''What are you, her mom?'' Tony teased him.

''Come on Theo, Tony's right,'' said Elaine.

''Fine. Just find her something...suitable. But, not slutty. She made it quite clear to me that she doesn't want to be like that,'' he teased her, and she remembered that moment when he brought her that dress, the short one.

 ''Cool, can we just meet you there?'' Elaine asked and thankfully they all agreed, then they went to her room, she  knew she just wanted to be away from Cole. She new she was his toy, his proberty.  He had his eyes on her, and something told her he wanted a new toy. Her.

Moments later, they had arrived. Elaine was wearing a red short dress, but not too short. Over it she wore a black, furry waistcoat. She had a good style for a girl who had been lying in a coma for two years. Her hair was curled, she wore it half up half down and on it she also wore a read headband. Hers was just straight as it usually was, though she had applied some make up on her  face. She was wearing a black and purple sleeved dress, it revealed her legs but she was just glad it didn't reveal everything. She didn't even like to show much skin, never had and never would. Once again, Cole looked at her and Tony, even Scott but she knew he never thought of her that way, and then Theo. His eyes were fixed on her. 

Cole went away from the bar and dragged Elaine with him to sit, and Tony was next to him.  Sofía stood by the table with Scott and Theo. Who had some shots of tequila. She looked at Cole and Elaine, just how uncomfortable she felt made her obnoxious. ''Here, you should have this.'' Theo pushed one shot of tequila towards her.

''Are you serious?'' she asked him surprised.

''While your here,'' he mumbled, grinning.

She  rolled her eyes at him and looked at Scott who wasn't even paying attention to her and Theo. He was looking at Cole and Elaine. Sofía shook her head and took the shot, man it was strong.  ''How can you drink this?'' she asked.

''It's easy, and tasty,'' he said staring at her lips. He winked.

Sofía looked back at Cole who with his eyes was already staring at her. Elaine took one last sip of her drink, prepared to leave Cole. She stood up to walk away, Cole's head turning to her. He grabbed Elaine's arm, pulling her towards him. He kissed her roughly for a minute before finally pulled away. She stared at him for what seemed to be a second before he let her go and she hurried to leave. He watched Elaine leave and whispered something to Tony that Sofía couldn't see or understand. His eyes then traveled her, he smirked and leaned back to the wall. He was still staring at her, his eyes haunting her. He did this to her willingly, he meant to do it. Kiss her right in front of her because he knew she was watching. When Sofía looked at Scott, he didn't look so happy. What was wrong with him? Sofía then felt something inside of her rise. Anger. She stared at Cole before turning to Theo, she grabbed his face and kissed him on the mouth because she knew Cole would be watching. He didn't bother to let go of her but then she pulled away and walked away from Scott and felt Theo watching her as she left. Sofía walked past Cole, staring at him and he at her, he tried to continue grinning but he barely couldn't. Because she knew, she had taken him by surprise

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