Chapter 29

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Sofía looked at the house that was in front of her. Her father's house, she smiled knowing that he was in there. Scott stood by his car waiting for her to get inside. She turned her head to look at him, he waved at her and she waved back before she slowly opened the door. She stepped inside and carefully closed it. She tried to walk as slow as she could towards the kitchen, not to make any noise. There her father was leaning on his hand, he was devastated. Was this what he did everyday? Cry for her?

''Dad,'' she said but he didn't move. ''Dad,'' she raised her voice at him. He eventually moved and turned his head towards her. ''S-Sofía?'' he looked at her as if she were an alien. ''Is that really you?'' he looked at her shocked.

''It is me, I'm back.'' She smiled brightly.

''I've had dreams about you coming back so many times that I don't know what's real and what's not real.'' He stood up from his chair and slowly walked towards her.

''I am real, it's a long story but he let me go. Scott was a huge help too.''

''Oh my dear beautiful daughter'' He stroked her cheek and he abruptly wrapped his arms around her and continued to cry. ''I missed you so much.''

''I missed you too,'' she cried, moments later they pulled away from each other. Sofía giggled and wiped the tears away from her father's eyes.

''I'll make you tea, let's make tea and talk and do a father daughter thing or maybe you should rest. You've been going through a lot.''

''Dad. Tea is fine,'' she giggled and he simply nodded, heading to the kitchen to make tea for her.

Sofía sat on the couch waiting for her dad, he finally came and handed her the tea. ''Thanks dad.''

He nodded and sat beside her. ''So, what happened? Did you get scared? Were you hurt?''

''No, I mean I was scared but it really helped having Scott there. And I wasn't hurt but I really missed you, everyday. The things that they did, it was horrible. I saw people get killed and this world, I hate it. I don't want anything to do with it again.''

''Was he mean to you? Did he...''

''No, I mean he was sometimes mean but there was this side of him , it was like a good side of him. Like he cared, he told me things about his family and his sister was there and she was the most nicest girl I've ever met and she's in rehab now and Scott is in love with her.'' She laughed. ''They are together now.''

''But Theo, you referred to him as Mr. Strickland.'' Her father nodded. ''He was .. I mean.. he was...''

''Are you in love with him?'' he asked her noticing the look on her face and she simply stared at her father not knowing what to say. ''Oh sweetheart.'' He patted her shoulder knowing she was hurt. ''Why are you in love with a man like that?''

''Because,'' she looked down at her tea and then back at her father. ''I still see good in him, I try to see him as a monster, I try to see this horrible man but all I see is a good, vulnerable man. Do you think I'm crazy?'' she asked her father.

''No, I think you make sense. It takes a lot for a girl to love a man like that.''

 ''I know, but I can't be with someone with a life like that.'' She looked away from her father and took a sip from her tea.

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