Chapter 9

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''What is it?'' Sofía asked as she had examined the terrified look on Theo's face. He had hung up the phone and put it back into his pocket.

Theo quickly shook is head. He then grabbed her hand. ''Your coming with me.''

He pulled her out of the house. ''What is going on?'' she raised her voice as he dragged her with him to his car.

''We're going somewhere,'' he replied and he opened the car door for her.

''You never take me with you anywhere,'' she responded.

''Just get in the car,'' he said coldly and she looked at him for a moment but soon enough, she did what he said and sat in the backseat. He stepped inside of the car, and grabbed the steering wheel and turned on the engine.

''What is going on?'' she asked.

''There's this guy..'' he mumbled, as he had gotten tired of her questions. ''I have to go meet him..let's just say that your not safe alone while I'm meeting him. He's kind of dangerous.'' 

''Why do you care of my safety?'' she snapped. ''Theo, what happened back there...It can‘t happen again. I‘m sorry. '' And it couldn‘t, not ever. She was a hostage, in his house and she was there because of her dad. To save him, he took her. How on earth did she almost kiss a man who has killed people? Who almost killed her father?

''I..'' he began to say but all of a sudden he stopped talking when there was a knock on the window. It was Tony and Scott and Theo rolled the window down. Sofía noticed how tired looking Scott was but she soon shook the feeling off her.

''What's going on, where are you going and why is Sofía around?'' Theo signalled Tony to come closer to him and he whispered something into Tony's ear which she couldn't hear. Soon, Tony came into the front seat next to Theo and Scott into the backseat with Sofía.

''Let's go,'' Theo said and began driving, and Sofía had no idea where they were going.

When they had arrived it had already gotten darker, and it had started raining. Sofía felt like it was in the middle of nowhere, barely no houses to see. It was close to some forrest. ''Sofía,'' Theo turned around in his seat, facing her. He stared at her up and down, like he was examaning her. The way he did when they almost kissed.  ''Stay in the car, understood?'' Sofía nodded and watched Scott and Tony get out of the car and of course Theo. Sofía looked out the window, and it was pouring rain. She saw a guy coming walking towards all of them, he had two guys with him and she could have sworn that Tony was just as scared as Theo. But why were they? They were tough as hell and Theo really used to scare her alot. Scott looked like a scared little kid, actually they all did.

''Well..well..well..'' the guy said, smirking.

''What are you doing here?'' Theo folded his arms. ''I thought you were out of the country. Police got tired of chasing you?''

''You still have the guts to speak to me like that huh?''

''Oh..I try. What are you really doing here?'' He was about to reply, when something caught his attention.  A dark haired girl, stepping out of Theo's car. ''Sofía. I told you to stay in the car!'' 

''Maybe she doesn't like to be ordered,'' he said, staring at her. He stepped closer to Theo, and whispered something into his ear, which none of them could hear and Theo pushed him, causing the guy to punch him to the ground and kicking him. The guys that came with him stopped Tony and Scott from getting involved.

''Are you done?'' Theo hissed, coughing out blood.

''Almost,'' he said and pulled Theo up. ''We need to talk some business,'' the guy said and Theo slowly nodded.

 ''Fine, Cole."

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