Chapter 11

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Scott was snooping around the house, looking for evidence. It was hard, since Theo had his stuff kept safely. The drugs,the money, everything. He scratched his head, getting tired of looking. His eyes then travelled to that room, that no one knew what was in. Well Tony must have known but Scott and Sofía were the only ones who didn't. He looked around, trying to make sure that no one saw him. He walked towards the room and touched the doorknob, opening the door. He stepped inside shocked by what he was seeing. His eyes widened, it was a bedroom and a girl was unconcious on the bed, tugged in. 

She had blonde brown hair that reached right below her shoulders and she was beautiful. He walked towards the bed, next to it was a heart monitor. She was clearly alive still, that's why she was kept in here. But why? What connection did Theo have with her? He touched her hand, it was cold.

''What the hell do you think your doing?'' he heard someone say. It was Theo, he was standing in the doorway, unpleased.

''I'm sorry...I was...curious.''

''Well now you know,'' he raised his voice.

''Who is she?'' asked Scott.

''That is none of your business,'' he snapped but all of a sudden there was a shocked expression on his face. He looked at her and she was moving.

She was saying something, and carefully opened her eyes. ''T..Theo..'' she mumbled.

''Elaine? I'm here, I'm here,'' he whispered, happily and sat on the edge of the bed.  ''Your alive? Your awake. How?''

''I ..don't know. What happened?''

''Who is she?'' asked Scott. ''Just tell me. Please.''

''She is my sister,'' he said, with a serious look on his face.  

''Theo, how long have I been asleep?'' Theo looked down, probably not sure if he could tell her. However long that was. Scott wasn't the best at reading people but knowing what kind of man he was, it was obvious he had lied to her before and it had concequences so he had decided to tell her.

''Two years,'' he forced himself to say.

Her eyes widened. ''That long?'' she asked surprised and Theo nodded, looking at Scott from time to time.

''Get her some water,'' he told Scott, who stood frozen in his steps. ''NOW!'' he demanded and Scott quickly nodded and ran into the kitchen. He went into the fridge and opened it to find a can of water. He poured it into a glass and headed back to the room.

After Scott came back from getting Elaine water he watched Theo as he sat by his sister's bed. He stroked her hair, running his fingers through it while he held her hand with his other hand, patting it. ''Now, what do you remember?'' he asked her.

''I just remember a bullet in my head. I don't remember anything more Theo.''

He nodded. ''Okay. Just thought you should know that Cole is back.''

''Why doesn't that surprise me,'' she mumbled. ''When did he even go?''

''After the incident and now he's back.''

Elaine nodded. ''It's just the same life I had Theo. Nothing's changed, and I didn't expect it either.'' Theo nodded and Scott brought the water to her.

''Here you go.'' She took it into her hands and carefully took a sip from the glass.

''Who's this?'' she asked, after swallowing.

''Scott, he's working for me with Tony and the other guys,'' explained Theo and Elaine nodded.

''I'm Elaine,'' she introduced.

Scott felt uncomfortable in the precense of them and figured that they had a lot of catching up to do, he nodded and left the room. He saw that Sofía's door was half open and snuck inside. ''Hey,'' he greeted, she narrowed her eyes at him and seemed unpleased. ''You ok?'' he asked concerned.

''I don't know Scott, this has gotten so dangerous.''

''I was looking for some evidence Sofía, my brother is helping me out like I said. Because I will get you out of here. But I snuck inside the room, you know the one that Theo keeps to himself.'' Sofía nodded. ''Turns out, there was a girl there, unconcious in his bed. It was his sister.''

Sofía's eyes quickly widened. ''What?'' she asked shocked.

''Yes,'' he confirmed. ''And she's awake, she just woke up. How crazy is that?''

 ''Theo is always so full of surprises. I'm telling you,'' she said and Scott left before Theo would catch him in there.

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