Chapter 7

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Scott walked with Tony where they would have private. Tony had his arm around Scott's shoulder, like old times. Friends. ''So, I'm in just like that?'' Scott asked, still feeling a bit traumatized.

''In?'' Tony looked confused. ''Since when have you been out?'' he laughed. ''Yeah you and me haven't seen each other for a very long time, but we've always been buddies. Don't worry about those guys, they'll see how tough you are. I know you.'' He hit him playfully on the shoulder. ''Your not going to believe the money your gonna make. You could get new clothes, new aftershave, a car perhabs. And, all the babes.'' He winked.

Scott nodded, faking a smile. ''Yeah,'' he laughed nervously, not knowing what to think. Yesterday, he was still just that boy who would go with his best friend, Sofía to the coffee shop nearly everyday and hang out. And well, once in a while to the clubs to drink. Now she was gone, and he was trying to save her. And now, he was hanging out with some really dangerous guys. And he knew it would get more dangerous then it already was.

Sofía was cleaning as usual. She was standing on a chair, trying to clean the bookcase Theo had, and the books were many. He was doing business with some guys, and from time to time she sneaked to look at them. But turned away, she tried to focus on cleaning. When they were gone, he was just sitting by the table doing something which she couldn't quite understand.

''What are you doing?'' she allowed herself to ask, while she was still standing on the chair cleaning.

''Counting the payments,'' he said quite sharply.

''And...Why?'' she asked him.

''Because that's what you do when you have money.''

''Okay.'' She shook her head, knowing there was no chance talking with him. He then looked at her as she was standing on a chair.

''And what are you doing?'' he asked her.

''Trying to clean this bookcase. Do you ever take these books out? They are very dusty.'' She reached further to the book, and was about to fall down when he ran and she fell into his arms. ''Uhm..'' she said, looking at his face into his eyes. They were so peaceful, filled with worry. She could feel his hand on her thigh, his thumb stroking it sending shivers down her spine.  ''Thank you,'' she said and he put her down, nodding. Her arms were on his chest and she swallowed as he stared at her lips.

''Your welcome. Be more careful next time,'' he said and stepped away.

She nodded and smiled nervously. ''I will.''

He stood there, infront of her and watched her carefully. She stood frozen in her tracks, she felt like she couldn't move as she saw him standing there looking at her. All of a sudden, the doors opened. Tony came in first, few guys she recognized which she had seen Theo with and Scott? Her eyes widened, she saw him freeze as soon as he saw her. He then quickly turned away from her to not look suspicious.

''Theo.'' Tony shook Theo's hand. ''This one over here..'' He brought Scott with him and put his hand around his shoulder. ''Is Scott. You said you needed someone trustworthy, that's this one over here..'' He winked.

Sofía continued to clean and he stopped looking at her. ''Interesting.'' Theo said and to Sofía, Scott looked like his heart was about to explode out of his chest. ''Welcome.'' And just as Theo accepted him all the other guys did too, they were no longer treating him like an outcast. It was like he was their best friend now. Theo really had power over them. Theo looked at Scott for a second. ''Please..have something to drink. Now that your one of us.'' He smirked and Scott nodded. ''Sofía. Give him something to drink,'' Theo said.

''Okay,'' she said and Scott followed her. Sofía handed him a beer. ''What are you doing here?'' she whispered and was careful not to make them suspicious. She watched Tony and Scott talk, also the other guys.

''I'm here to save you,'' he whispered back.

''Are you stupid? I did this to save my dad and it's done. How did you get involved with them anyway?'' she asked.

''I've known Tony since I was like 10 years old, '' he explained.

''You have to be careful,'' she continued to whisper to him and thankfully no one noticed.

''My brother is helping me, don't worry.''

''Your brother, Danny?''she asked, thinking about the times when Scott told her about Danny and how he had wished that they were closer. But Danny was a serious man and had no intentions to stay in contact with his brother. ''He's helping you?'' she asked surprised and Scott nodded. She touched his hand. ''Thank you for being here, I'm not as scared now.''

He smiled and mouthed, ''your welcome.'' She hurried to keep on cleaning before she woke up any suspicions. Knowing that Scott was here now and to save her, she didn't feel alone. Though they were not to talk, he was going to be here very often and she knew it. Maybe Scott would find out what was in that room now that he was in. She overheard them talking while she was cleaning.

''Scott,'' Tony called and caught Scott's attention.

''What's up?'' he asked.

''We're going out.''

 ''Awesome,'' he faked a smile.

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