Chapter 6

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Sofía was still once more, locked in her room. She was leaning against the wall, looking at the black dress that still was on the floor after she had thrown it there, furious at Theo. She would rather die then wear one of those.  He then interrupted her thoughts, barging once more into her bedroom.

She folded her arms together, trying not to show that she was afraid. ''I'm guessing your here to kill me.'' She gazed at him.

He then shook his head. ''Well you guessed wrong,'' he said and threw a bag towards her. ''You weren't afraid to speak your mind to me. To be honest,  I hated it but I also liked it. So I bought you new clothes.''

She lifted her chin, looking a them suspiciously. She then tugged out what was in the bag. A nice dark blue casmere and also three other in different colors, three black jeans and about five different t-shirts. ''Thank you..'' she said. ''It's unexpected, but thank you.''

He nodded. ''Wear them well,'' he said and she nodded. He turned on his heel and walked out the door. She hurried to change clothes, a new cashmere, a new t-shirt and black jeans. She couldn't wait to get out of these clothes she had been wearing forever.

Scott walked through the club, he was grown up so why was he so nervous? He ran his fingers through his hair, making sure it was perfectly back combed. He noticed quite a few girls giving him the looks, they had interest in him and he could admit that he enjoyed it. He leaned against the bar, trying to find them.

''Can I get you something?'' He looked behind him and it was a bar waiter, offering him a drink.

''Uh..just coke thank you..''

''This is a club, not a movie theatre.''

''Fine, give me one beer.'' The man nodded handing him a beer. Scott payed him. 

Scott then drank the beer. He could admit, the beer wasn't too bad. He kind of liked the taste of it, but not too much that he would get himself drunk. He then noticed them, they were walking through the crowd of people trying to get through. This was his move, he had to do something. He had to say something, but then he noticed someone, a dark haired guy with spiky hair. He came last, he knew him.

''Tony?'' he asked and he stopped and looked at Scott. ''Tony, it's me Scott. Don't you remember?''

''No way. Scott, how you doing man?''

''I'm good..''

''Look at you, fancy in your suit. Way different from when we played together. You were what, 12 years old and I was 14?'' Scott laughed at their old times. It was like you were part of something when you would hang out with Tony, but now he was one of them. It didn't surprise him, all the trouble he got them two into when they would always hang out. But he was always there to get Scott out of them too.

''Hey, if there's anything you ever need.'' Tony put his hand on Scott's shoulder. ''Just give me a call, let me know..anything..'' He blinked. Scott looked down clearing his throat, trying to keep his face together.

''Actually, I uh...I'm looking for a job. You know, stuff.''

Tony nodded, looking around. He licked his lips, and it looked like he was thinking.''Come with me.'' He put his arm around Scott's neck like buddies would do. It was like old times.He led Scott into a private room. ''Hey guys.'' He raised his voice. ''This is my old buddy Scott.''

''And what is he doing here?'' One of them asked.

''Hey, don't be like that. Scott is cool.''

''I wouldn't say that...'' Scott mumbled.

''Okay, who the hell is he and who gave him permission to talk?'' Scott expected this, he knew that they wouldn't all worship him just like that. But he had to keep his cool.

''Shut up, he's going to be with us from now on. He's a clever one.'' He smiled at Scott.

''Well, I'm not...are you sure?I mean, just like that?'' Scott asked, full of doubt.

 ''Just like that,'' Tony replied.

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