Chapter 28

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''YOU KILLED TONY?'' yelled Theo, filled with fury. He continued looking at the hand though it disgusted him to see it. Sofía held her nose as the smell was disgusting and smothering. For how long had he been dead?

''It had to be done,'' Cole replied.

''You had to kill our best friend?'' asked Theo through gritted teeth.

Cole suddenly looked at Scott. ''You see, Scott. It wasn't Theo who was going to betray us, it was Tony. He had known too much and he was going to tell the police, actually he was working with the police.'' Cole looked at Theo again whose face was blank.

''So you killed him?'' asked Sofía with her arms folded, still trying to ignore the horrible smell.

''Don't act like your innocent here Sofía,'' Cole snapped. ''You've been shady too, working with Scott trying to get out of here. You would get Theo arrested just to get back to daddy.''

Sofía tried to look away from the devestating, disapointing look on Theo's face.

''Wow,'' Theo said. ''You actually give me crap about how I act and you do this?'' Sofía remained silent, she didn't understand why she actually felt guilty specially after everything that they had done.

''Ok, great everyone's made mistakes!'' Scott yelled, tired of them arguing. ''Just what is your plan exactly Danny? Kill Edward and go to jail?'' Danny said nothing not being able to take his eyes off Cole. Sofía suddenly jumped on Danny, tripping him and was on top of him. He had released Edward and Cole took his chance and grabbed his gun and aimed it at Scott. ''This is what you get, rat,'' he spat and was about to pull the trigger when Elaine rose up from the ground, and raced towards Cole.

''NO!'' she yelled and struggled to take the gun from him, suddenly  there was a shot and everybody stood still, Danny was still on the ground and Sofía went off him. Cole fell down on the ground, dead.

''COLE!'' Edward yelled and raced towards his body, hoping that there was still life in him but there wasn't.

''I'm so sorry Edward,'' she whispered looking down to him.

''It's fine, he had it coming sooner or later. But after all, he was my brother.''

''I guess you wanna take me back,'' Sofía said to Theo who stood silent until he heard her speak.

''No,'' he said. ''You can go home, to your father. Scott can leave too, Elaine if she wants. I've been a terrible man, a terrible brother.'' Elaine looked at her brother, seeing how hurt he was. She clearly wanted deeply to go after him but she knew what came with it, that life she despited. She didn't want that life anymore. Sofía and Elaine watched him as he left. Sofía wanted to say something but she didn't know what to say, so she remained in silence.

 Scott suddenly  put his hand on Elaine's shoulder. ''You saved me,'' he said.

Elaine turned to him. ''You kind of did too.'' She smiled. ''You saved me from this life. When I woke up I expected to be lonely and sad again like I was before I went into coma. Then you came and I wasn't lonely anymore. I'm gonna go to rehab and I'm going to get my life together. Because, because I know that that's what it takes to be with you and I want to be with you.'' She smiled brightly. Scott suddenly leaned in and kissed her.

''I should be thanking you,'' Danny interrupted Sofía. ''I would have regretted it if I had killed him. I would of gone to jail and I wouldn't be able to be there for my brother.''

''I don't have a sibling Danny but I know that you would have lived with this for the rest of your life. Cole barely had feelings, he was cold and you have love..he did have a brother but he chose not to have him in his life. Scott wants to be your brother, you just gotta let him.''

''And I will.'' Scott came walking towards Danny with Elaine on his side. ''Guess this plan kind of worked.'' Danny laughed and Scott laughed with him. Danny put his hand around his brother shoulder.

 ''Well Sofía, I guess it's time for you to go home,'' said Scott.

Theo entered his empty house, he picked up his phone and deleted all of his drug dealer contacts. Sofía's old room was empty, even Elaine's. There was no Tony, and no Cole but him being gone was for the best. He looked at everything around him. He started breaking everything, throwing everything into the walls. He shouted and was about to throw away the broken alarm when he decided not to, he put it carefully on the table and stared at it.  It was the only thing he had left of her. The only memory of her and he was going to hold on to it. It was a memory of the girl he loved, Sofía.

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