Chapter 19

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Sofía arrived with Theo back at the house. She prepared to get inside her room and lock herself inside, she suddenly heard Theo's voice.

''Wait,'' he said and she turned around to face him.

''What is it?'' she asked.

''You don't have to lock it, you can go around the house if you want to. I trust you.'' Sofía nodded, but she was somehow clueless. After all that had happened, now he trusted her? Seemed strange.

''Thank you,'' she said and entered her room and sat on the bed.

''So your just gonna sit there?'' he asked her as he was standing in the doorway.

''There's not much more to do, really...''

Theo hissed. ''You can watch TV, read..turn on some''

Sofía laughed. ''Yeah, not really interested in the whole stripper thing.'' Theo walked into her room and sat on the bed with her. ''Don't you have some business to attend shoot guys or stock money.''

''It doesn't really work like that.''

''Oh yeah? What does it work like then?''

Theo said nothing.

''How do you know Cole anyway? Why are you friends with a guy like that?''

''I met him when I was about 12, him, me and Tony was always three of us. Like the three musketeers.''

Sofía laughed, rolling her eyes.  ''And how did you get involved in all of this?''

''Cole, he really introduced us to it.''

Sofía nodded. ''Some friend...'' she mumbled. She then realized who she was talking to, she had realized she was acting like he was innocent in all of this. He kidnapped her from her dad, shot a guy. He was in drug dealing. She shook her head in disbelief.  

Theo slowly rose up from the bed. ''Well, grab anything you want. Food, a movie to watch, a book. I have a great collection of books, help yourself out.''

''Thanks,'' she said, wondering why he was being so nice to her. Theo nodded, turned on his heel and walked out of the room. 

Few moments later, Sofia looked out the window and noticed as the men who were working for Theo entered the house, including Scott and Tony. There was a knock on Sofía's door a minute later. ''Knock knock..'' Scott said.

''Scott, you shouldn't talk to me.''

''They won't notice."

''So...'' Sofía initiated when Scott sat on her bed. ''You and Elaine?'' She talked in a romantic voice.

''Yeah, that's not going to happen.''

''Why not?''

''She does drugs, sleeps with a lot of guys. Unless she cleans up her act, it won't happen.''

''But you want to, you like her.''

''Yeah, I mean she's beautiful  and under all that seductive act she's sweet and smart.''

Scott patted Sofía on the back and rose up from the bed. He walked out of the bedroom and few moments later Tony and Theo came inside.

''Hey Sofía, looks like your going to go out again. We're going to a small club downtown, '' said Tony and Theo stared at her.

This time, Sofía was dressed in her black dress once more. Her hair was perfectly straightened and she entered the club. Elaine was there too and she barely looked or spoke to Scott. 

As she entered the club she fixed her dress. Personally, she didn't like clubs or anything that has to do with drugs or drinking. She hated it, I'm never going to drink when I get away, if I do ever get away. She thought. She inhaled deeply as she saw Cole standing on the other side, staring at her. She decided to walk around, suddenly someone grabbed her wrist,she turned around to see that it was Theo.

''Don't go wandering off somewhere, it's dangerous for someone like you.''

''What, like bumping into people like you?'' she teased, making him laugh.

''Just be careful,'' he said and she shook her  head as she thought he was being ridicilous. ''I mean it, your precious,'' he said staring at her lips.

''I am?'' she stared into his eyes and soon his eyes met hers.

 ''Yeah, you are.''

She nodded, smiling and turned around knowing that his eyes were on her.

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