Chapter 5

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Danny and Scott were in Danny's car outside Theo's house. Danny had tracked it down and they were behind a tree looking at it. Danny had the car running, his hands resting on the steering wheel. Scott looked at him from time to time, he had looked serious and something rested on his mind. Something was troubling him.

''Are you ever going to talk?'' Scott broke the ice after a long moment of silence.

''Look Scott, I've been watching these guys for some days now and there is no way we can take them down. Not the two of us, not like this.''

''Your not backing out are you?'' Danny said nothing. ''Are you?'' Scott raised his voice and Danny cleared his throat.

''No, I'm not. I promised I'd do this and I will but we have to find another way and I know of one other way and I'm not sure you'll like it.''

''Well I don't know unless you tell me.'' He stared at Danny's cold face.

''You have to become one of them, you have to join the team.''

''WHAT?'' he shouted.

''Lower your voice man.''

''What the hell are you talking about?'' Scott lowered his voice.

''Make them trust you, or him. Find out everything, his plans and when the time is right, we'll take him down and save your best friend.'' Danny then cleared his throat, discovering how serious he was getting with his younger brother. Scott shook his head quickly.

''You know, it would be more charming if it wasn't so dangerous,'' Scott said sighing and folded his arms together. Watching the house carefully, and wondered how he was possibly going to do this, and save Sofía. But he had to, it was clearly the only way for him. And frailty definetely wasn't an option.

''Here,'' said Danny to Scott and handed him something small but quite hard. Scott took it into his hands, it seemed to be some kind of ID.

''What is it?''

''It's your new identity for now.''

''So tell me Danny, who am I?''

''Your still Scott don't worry, but with a different last name.''

''So what do I do now?''

''That is upto you, I gave you a new identity all you have to do is get them to like you and your in. You have to watch them, how they act, know them and become one of them. Do it Scott, I know you can,'' he said and hit him playfully with his hand, as to pep him up for a baseball game like he used to when Scott was just a young little boy. He inhaled deeply. ''Tomorrow night they'll be at this club, get one of them to let you in and your all good.'' Scott nodded. ''Let's go,'' he said and Danny turned on the engine. 

'It'll all begin tomorrow,'' Scott mumbled under his breath, not knowing wether to scream or vomit. For the rest of the day, Scott had studied them. How they dressed, how they worked, what they did to men who dared not to pay them back. He felt like he was losing his mind, he would have screamed if it wasn't for the neigbours to hear. 

Sofía was in her room,  like she normally was. She just sat in her bed, or lied in it until Theo would barge in and demand her to do some cleaning. This time he barged in again and she doubted it would be any different.

''Here, I uhm brought you something,'' he said and put it on her bed. ''Open it,'' he said. She glared at him surprised. ''Just open it, it's not a tarantula.'' He rolled his eyes and she did as he begged her to do and reached for the beg, it was a black dress.

''Oh. '' 

''Do you like it?''

''Yeah,'' she said and he smiled. ''If I am to be a prostitute in the streets.'' His mouth dropped. ''What is this, is that what you do to all the girls you bring here. Make them clean and then give them clothes that only pornstars would wear. What am I to you? Who am I to you?'' She threw the dress on the floor and rose up from the bed, she stood so close to him that she could hit him in the face. ''I might be young, I might be alone and scared..but above all I am not stupid. And I'm not a piece in your stupid game.'' She looked him in the eye. He looked so angry that he could explode any second. He didn't say anything, he just turned on his heel and barged out of the door, slamming it shut.

It was the night after and Scott was in his bedroom, he looked like someone he didn't recognize. He looked like a guy who would fly first class. He looked like someone who would buy a rolex for his father's birthday, not someone who would give him a book about sci-fi. He looked like he went out dining with his friends every night, and go cruising with them on a very expensive yacht. His hair was back combed, filled with hairgel. He was weaing a suit, the jacket buttoned over his shirt, showing the black tie. 

He sighed nervously. ''Let's do this Scotty, for Sofía.'' He gave himself a small pep talk before running out the door and into his car. He was heading to the club.

Scott slid his fingers through his hair to make sure that his hair was perfectly back combed. He was outside the club, his car or infact Danny's car was parked. He tried to unconvince himself to go. Scott, what are you doing, what are you thinking? He would say to himself in his mind. Then he remembered Sofía and how he was doing this for her. He stepped out of the car and walked towards his club. Taking his fake ID out. The security allowed him to go in and he could hear the loud music, exploding out from the speakers.

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