Chapter 10

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''What business are you talking about?'' Theo asked Cole as they had sat next to each other on the hill. Sofía was behind them, speaking to Scott and Tony.  

Cole remained silent for a while then finally spoke up. ''I've been out of the country for a year. And I have gotten quite many contacts while I've been away.''

''So this is about smuggling.''

''Your still a quick learner.'' Cole smirked as he looked at Theo.  ''We can just pick up whatever we think of. It's a good start up capital.'' He inhaled deeply, getting cold from the rain that was pouring.  ''You'll be 10 times richer then you are now,'' he added, then turned his head looking behind him. There he saw Sofía, Scott and Tony. He then turned his head to Theo. ''Where did you get that one? On the streets where you get all the girls?''

''First of all, her name is Sofía. And don't try anything, she's different. ''

''So she's not from the streets.'' He realized, Theo only ignored his words. He then decided to stop talking about Sofía. ''Well anyway, let me know if you'll be involved.'' He rubbed his hands. ''I mean..'' Cole said feeling Theo's eyes on him.  ''Your either in or your out.'' He grinned and Theo looked at him strangely.

''Seriously? I have a choice?'' He raised his eyebrow.

''No..'' Cole laughed.  ''Just makes it more fun that you actually thought  you did,'' he teased him. He reached out his hand to Theo, who looked at it for a moment then shook it. ''Deal's a deal Theo.''

''I know,'' he admitted.

Two days had passed and Scott found himself standing infront of his brother. He looked like he wanted some details. ''I haven't heard from you, what's up?'' he asked Scott.

''Well, I am in,'' he admitted, and he saw that his brother looked surprised. He clearly didn't expect that he could actually do it.

''Good, good. Found anything?''

Scott looked down not knowing if he should tell him. ''Your hiding something Scott. I know you, and there's something your not telling me.''

''I'm not sure if I should..'' he said nervously.

''What's the matter with you? You still want to get Sofía out of there right?'' he shouted at him, filled with fury.

''Of course, how can you even ask me that?'' he argued with Danny.

''In order for that to happen your going to have to give me some details.'' He folded his arms, waiting unpatient for an answer.

''Theo and this guy Cole, they are talking about smuggling...' he forced himself to say.

''Thank you, and I'm going to need proof,'' said Danny and Scott's eyes widened.

''What?'' Scott shouted as he started panicking.

''We need evidence, I'll call the police on them  the day we get Sofí there is actually a safe path for her to go home.'' 

''Fine, whatever...'' Scott mumbled as he wasn't the biggest fan of Danny's dangerous plans.

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