Chapter 26

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Scott was once again in a club, Cole and Theo were there and Sofía stood in a corner by herself while drinking a soda. She obviously didn't want anything to do with Theo or Cole. Scott drank a beer and since Elaine left he had stopped taking drugs, and Cole had stopped ordering him to take them. 

Theo stood drinking a beer with some girls who were talking to him and Cole but he looked at Sofía from time to time.  Tony wasn't there since he was supposed to be looking for Elaine. Cole looked at Scott and walked towards him with a smirk on his face, Scott wondered what was up and tried to keep cool.

''Hey man,'' Cole greeted.

''Hey,'' he greeted back and found himself shiver when Cole put his hand on Scott's shoulder.

''Listen,'' he whispered. Cole obviously didn't want anyone else to hear what he was about to say. ''I have to talk to you. There's a basement downstairs, meet me there in five ok?'' Scott quickly nodded and Cole turned his heel and walked off. What did he want with him, Scott couldn't help but to think to use his phone and put it on record. Where no one saw him, he picked up his phone and put it on record. He went to his contacts on his phone and began texting Danny.

''It's on,'' he sent him and put his phone in his pocket where it was recording. He walked back to the crowd and Sofía was still on the same spot, she suddenly looked at Scott and he nodded and she knew what it ment. It was going to happen and hopefully by the end of the night, she'd be able to go home

Scott inhaled deeply and made his way downstairs where the basement was. The door was half open and he entered, it was dark and no light. He walked further inside. ''Cole?'' he whispered, suddenly the lights got turned on and Cole appeared.

''I'm here, did I scare you?'' he grinned.

''No,'' Scott lied, he was always nervous around him.

''Good,'' said Cole and walked towards Scott. ''I've been having worries and I think someone has betrayed us.''

''What?'' He swallowed, thinking he ment him.

''Theo. I think he's gone to the cops.'' Oh shit. Scott thought, he thought it was Theo. ''Really?'' 

''Yes, really.'' Scott turned around and began walking further into the basement, he felt Cole lurking behind him and felt something cold against his neck, a gun. ''It's you Scott isn't it, you've turned against us?''


''Your going to the cops and don't lie cause I'm the one who has the gun.''

''I just want Sofía out of here, that's all. And if Elaine is alive, I want her out too and I won't go to the cops, I promise.''

Cole laughed. ''You idiot, killing you would be a solution.'' Scott closed his eyes, waiting for his death, but it never came. ''But I won't,'' Cole suddenly said and put his gun away. ''Come with me,'' he said and started to walk infront of Scott and he had no choice but to follow him. ''See that box over there?'' Cole asked him and Scott examined it carefully.


''Open it,'' Cole demanded. Scott stood there silent. ''Do you want me to make you?'' Cole touched his gun.

''I'll open it,'' said Scott and walked to the box, why did he want him to open it? What was inside? Scott bent down to the box and looked at it for a moment, suddenly he opened it and he started to feel queasiness. He almost throw up at the sight of it. It was a hand and it had been there for atleast a day. ''What the hell?'' Scott yelled at Cole and stood up frightened. Cole suddenly grabbed him by the collar. ''Who is that?'' Scott asked trying to release himself from Cole's tight grip but he was too strong and Cole looked him in the eye with a smirk on his face. Cole  suddenly released him and he was smirking. Scott felt up his phone trying to get him to talk. 

''What do you have there?'' Cole yelled.

''Nothing,'' Scott lied.

 ''What do you have there?'' Cole continued to yell and strode over to Scott and grabbed the phone from his pocket.

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