Chapter 22

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''Sofía we have to talk!'' Theo shouted through the house as he entered it. He stopped in his tracks as he noticed Scott and Sofía standing by Elaine's room. Sofía looked at him saying nothing. Theo could feel his heart beating faster and walked towards her bedroom not knowing what to expect. ''What is it?'' he asked and looked at Elaine's room. Everything was gone, her stuff, her clothes. She even left her phone behind. She definetely didn't want to contact anybody. ''She...she...''

''Ran off,'' Scott finished. 

''Clearly didn't want be stuck here anymore,'' said Sofía, causing Theo to snap.

''Just shut up!'' Sofía looked at him, and she saw him for who he truly was at first. A monster.

''Even better, I'll go and just lock myself in the room.'' She barged away from them both and passed Cole who had entered the house and went to the room. She slammed the door as hard as she could and collapsed on the bed.

''I had Tony go look for her, he'll be away for a while until he finds her,'' said Cole thinking how Elaine dared to take off like that, she was his and there was no escape. She could run but she couldn't hide.

''Thank you, wherever she is I hope she's fine,'' Theo said, and put his hand on Cole's shoulder.

''You should get some sleep...'' Cole adviced him. Theo nodded and went to his room. Scott stared at Cole before turning on his heel and walking out of the house. Moments later Cole left too.

 As she was in her black dress,  she sat on the bed in her room. Sofía knew she was allowed to come out but it wasn't always easy being around them. She was mad at him. So mad at him.  Sofía couldn't believe what he had done. And now his sister was gone. But she knew he was sad about it, he felt guilty. She could see it in his eyes. The doors opened and in he came, wearing the same suit as before. His face was grim. He was mad at her too. For yelling at him. He closed the door after him walking towards the bed she was sitting on and he stood in front of her, looking down at her

''You hate me,'' he said, a dark tone in his voice. ''My sister probably hates me too.''

She shook my head. ''No I don't hate you and I'm sure your sister doesn't either. You just don't make the right choices. I disapprove of them,'' she told him.

''Now why does that upset me?''

She shrugged her shoulders but suspective of the answer.

''I'm sorry that I'm not perfect and that I am this way. This is my life and this is how it is. I'm sorry you don't approve.'' He kneeled down but not on the floor. His eyes were on her bare legs, sending shivers down her spine. ''But you make me question my choices and perhabs I can change some of them.''

''Y-you would do that?''

He nodded. ''Yes, for you I would.''

''Why?'' she asked.

''Why do you think?''

Sofía shrugged her shoulders again but she thought she knew what he meant. ''When I took you I decided you would mean nothing to me but as time has passed you mean so much to me. You make me question myself and I find myself wanting to change my choices because...well because I want you. I desire you.''

She raised her eyebrow. ''You want me?''

''Yes. Very much.''

Her words escaped her mouth before she could stop them. ''I-I...want you too.''

He suddenly kissed her passionately and she let him. His tongue exploring her mouth. His hand was on her thigh, stroking it. ''It is taking everything in me not to undress you and make love to you right now.''

Oh god. She swallowed but she know that it's precisely what she wanted him to do. Undress her and touch her He continued to stroke her thigh, his hand going further inside her dress and she gasped.

''And I am going to.'' Oh god. Yes, she thought. ''But your going to undress for me.'' He took his hand from her thigh. ''Stand up,'' he demanded and she did it. He stood up as he eyed her body and he took her place, sitting on the bed and she was in front of him. ''Undress and do it slowly.''

Shyness ran through her but she did it anyway. She kicked off her shoes and slowly pulled the black dress off. He grunted, his eyes not leaving her body.

''Don't be shy. You're so beautiful.''

Sofía smiled and she was in nothing but her bra and underpants.

''Take your bra off.''

She did as he demanded and unzipped her bra. She took it off as it was loose and he stared at her breasts. He was smirking. He leaned forwards, pulling her closer to him. He grabbed her nickers and pulled them down Sofía's hips and slipped them down her legs. She was completely naked and he was fully dressed. It's like he was reading her thoughts because he started to take off his jacket, shoes, socks, his shirt next and he was only wearing his pants now. He pulled her down on the bed and she lied on it. ''You are exquisite.'' He kissed her lips, his mouth exploring  hers. He kissed her neck and moved further down and to her stomach sending shivers all over her body. He then moved up again and she felt his tongue on her breasts. And then her nipple. His mouth moved even further down, kissing her thigh which he was stroking only some moments ago. He looked at her before she felt his tongue on her clit. ''You taste so good.'' She moaned as she felt his tongue running over her clit. ''I'm gonna make you come.'' And she felt she was about to come, his hand was on her breast while he continued running his tongue over her clit and she came.


He suddenly grabbed a condom and he let her take off his pants and he dressed out of his boxers. He put the condom on and eased slowly inside her. 

''Oh you feel so good baby.''

''Mmm.'' She closed her eyes.

''No baby,'' he said. ''Open your eyes. I want you to look at me when you come.'' She did as he wanted, opening her eyes. He rode her faster and it felt good. They came apart together yelling each others names. ''Mmm... Baby.'' He collapsed on top of her and kissed her.

It was raining and Elaine drove as fast as she could. She drove forward and promised herself not to look back. Cole would try to come after her, that's why she had to drive was far away as she possibly could. The tears streamed down her cheeks. She was unfocused and suddenly a truck went by her, she lost control of the wheel and tried to get control of it again but her car turned and crashed upside down, she screamed right before everything became dark.

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