Chapter 25

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''What are you doing in here?'' asked Scott who entered the room, he had probably been looking for her because it seemed to her that he found it surprising that she was in Elaine's bedroom.

''Because that's where Theo will leave me alone..'' she said and Scott seemed to notice that something was off with her. She was sad but that wouldn't be surprising to him considering that she was stuck with drug dealers.

He stepped closer to her as she sat on the bed, he bent down to her and looked into her eyes. ''Hey, listen. I talked to Danny and I'm going to get you out of here today, we have a plan and it's on. I'm going to get you out of here, even though it is the last thing I do.'' Sofía's lips formed into a bright smile and she wrapped her arms around her best friend.

''Oh thank you Scott.'' She didn't know if she should have laughed or cried because her heart was filled with happiness and sadness. She wondered what Theo's heart was filled with, perhabs just emptiness.

Elaine stood by her window, looking out once more. She knew what she was looking for and it was Cole, she was sure he would find her and take her back and Edward wouldn't be able to protect her. He watched her and she knew and she knew that Edward had questions about her life, she had answers but she couldn't give them to him.

''Elaine,'' he said standing in her doorway. ''What are you always looking at?''

''Nothing,'' she lied. ''I just like the view, that's all.'' She tried to laugh it off but it just came out fake.

''You were running from something weren't you?''

''No, that's crazy,'' she hissed.


''Edward, stop.''

''Elaine just tell me.''

''No, I can't Edward I'm sorry. I just can't talk about it.'' He tried to touch her. ''Stop, leave me alone.'' She tried to push herself past him but he was too strong. ''Please just leave me alone,'' she continued to say and was about to cry when he suddenly kissed her and surprisingly she kissed him back. After a while of kissing him she pulled away. ''I can't,'' she said.

''Why not?'' he asked.

''I don't look at you like that.'' She was about to walk out of the room, but he yelled her name, he wanted explanations. When she walked out everything became dark, like someone had hit her. Had someone found her?

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