Chapter 15

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Sofía was in her room, lying on the bed as she stared at the ceiling. She heard music coming from outside the room. She was allowed to be a part of it but wasn't interested. She had no interest in seeing people get drunk and some girls making out with the guys. It kind of disgusted her. There was a quick knock on the door and someone entered the room. Elaine. She wore her hair once more half up and half down with a headband around it. This time it was black. Her hair was always like that. It fitted with her sleeveless black blouse and her black skinny jeans.

''Hey,'' she greeted.

''Oh hey.'' Sofía rose up from the bed.

''Why are you so alone?'' asked Elaine, she had a bottle of beer in her right hand. 

''I'm just not a party person,'' she admitted.

''Still you came to the club the other night and pissed off Cole,'' she giggled.

''He didn't look pissed off to me, more like amused.'' Sofía rolled her eyes and Elaine laughed at her weird comment.

''Come outside please, it's lonely without you. You don't even have to drink. There's soda in the kitchen.'' She suddenly had the eyes of a puppy. ''Pwease?''

Sofía then burst into laughter. ''Fine, I'll come. I'm not playing strip poker.''

''Oh good, me neither,'' laughed Elaine and together they walked out of the room and the music got even louder. Some Spanish pop song was playing which Sofía thought was amusing.

''What is this song? It's cute,'' Sofía asked Elaine.

''I think it's called Tormenta de arena.'' Sofía nodded, thinking what was next, a french song? Though there was nothing wrong with that. 

Sofía stepped away from Elaine and into the kitchen. She felt Theo's eyes on her but he didn't follow her. She grabbed a can of soda, opened it and drank it, sulking it down her throat. She looked out the kitchen window, it was dark and the only thing that she could see were some cars outside and a reflection in the window. There was someone standing by the kitchen behind her, staring at her. She then heard that British accent, that voice.

''Have you ever tried cocaine?'' he asked, she turned around to face him.

''You have that?'' She folded her arms across her chest.

Cole nodded. ''It'll blow you way.'' He walked closer to her, so close that he could almost kiss her but she wasn't going to let him.

''Well I don't want it, I don't do drugs.'' She pushed it further away.

''Smart girl.'' He winked at her. ''But it'll make you feel amazing Sofía, you're sad here and I know it. And one taste of this pleasure, and it'll make your stay here worth the while.'' He was so close that she could feel his breathing on her neck.

''She said she didn't want it.'' Scott stepped in and Cole moved away. Scott was now standing in front of Sofía but his face was facing Cole's and his back faced Sofía. ''Very well. But maybe you'll have some.'' He handed it to him.

''You took drugs?'' Sofía asked.

''Why do you care?'' asked Cole.

''I don't, just wondering...'' she said, hoping he wouldn't realize that Scott was her best friend. He suddenly looked Scott in the eye, signaling him to leave. Scott looked at the floor and left.

''What is going on here?'' Theo appeared.

''Nothing, just having fun.'' Cole smirked, looked at Elaine and turned around walking out of the kitchen.

''You could have told me if you wanted to have a kitchen party instead,'' Theo joked to himself. ''Is he bothering you?'' he asked Sofía, and she shrugged her shoulders.

''I'm getting kind of used to it,'' she told him while giggling.

''Well, be careful around him.'' He quickly patted her on the shoulder and stood in his tracks staring at her.

''What? You guys friends now?''  asked one of the guys that worked for Theo.

Theo quickly cleared his throat. ''What are you talking about?'' 

''She's supposed to be your hostage, not your BFF,'' he joked.

''She is a hostage.'' Sofía's face turned blank as soon as he said that. 

''Prove it.''

''I don't have to prove anything to you.''

''Come on, if she's a hostage it shouldn't be that hard, right?'' he asked.

Theo turned around, facing Sofía. ''You're a hostage, nothing but a stupid little girl I use to let your father suffer for not paying me my money.'' He could see the pain in her eyes. Sofía's face turned red, she could feel the anger rising up inside her. She grabbed her can of soda and splashed it on him. Some of the guys that worked for Theo came, and burst into laughter as they saw a drink on him. Theo began to wipe some of the soda off his face and opened his mouth to say something. ''You know you offer people soda, you don't splash it on them.''

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