Chapter 18

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Scott opened his eyes as he had woken up in his bed, he had left early from the party after what he witnessed. He didn't understand why Elaine acted like that, and he didn't understand why he liked her that much. She was different, not exactly what his dad had pictured when he was alive. 

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. He had a headache and he was tired. He put on a shirt, and the door kept being knocked on. ''Alright, I'm coming. I'm coming.'' He yawned, opening the door surprised to find Elaine standing in the doorway.

She smiled awkwardly. ''Hey,'' she greeted.

''Hey..'' he greeted coldly and Elaine remained silent. ''I don't have anything for you. You'll have to ask Tony.''

''I didn't come here for that. I wanted to talk to you about last night.''

''You don't have to, it's already forgotten.''

''Scott don't.''

''Elaine, I saw you come out of the room with Cole and I know it wasn't just a casual conversation.''

''It didn't mean anything, you know Cole. If you do do it.'' Scott's eyes suddenly widened. Scott looked away and could feel the fury rising inside of him.  ''I'm sorry, OK? I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.  It's just that nice guys aren't usually interested in me. And you are, your such a nice guy and I wish I had met you before all of this. Because I really needed that, and guys usually only want one thing from me. Sex. And your not one of those guys. Your so sweet and nice and gentle with me. It kind of makes me feel safe.'' She smiled leaning closer to him and kissed him on the cheek.

''I appreciate it Elaine, and I want to say that I can deal with it. You sleeping with Cole, but I can't. That guy, he's like the devil. You played with my feelings and I'm not gonna be one of your games Elaine, I'm sorry. I'd appreciate it if you'd go now.I have to meet Tony and the guys,'' he lied and closed the door and she stood there still, with a loss of words. She could feel her eyes getting watery and wiped the one tear away that ran down her cheek. She then walked away and Scott watched her leave through the window.

''Ready to come out yet, or should I be scared?'' Theo said through the door and carefully opened it. She didn't look at him for one second. ''I just thought, you wanted to go outside.'' She was suddenly slightly interested. ''I'm going for a drive and you could use the fresh air. What do you say?'' She looked away, knowing that she wouldn't be exactly free. ''Fine,'' he said, prepared to leave as he turned on his heels.

''Great he's going to make me feel guilty...'' she mumbled to herself. ''Wait!'' she called, and he returned.  ''Fresh air would be kind of nice.''

Theo smiled a little. ''Good, get dressed and we'll go for a drive, but you'll have to stay in the backseat, I wont risk you hitting me so you can escape.''

''Ok.'' She rolled her eyes at him as if he were a crazy person, which she thought he was. She got dressed and moments later she was in the car with him. He had given her a soda and let her have the window open. He parked the car but had it running and drank a soda and rested one hand on the steering wheel but looked out the window.

''Great,'' she mumbled.

''What?'' he asked.

''You brought me here for a stakeout.''

''Yeah so? I brought you out, just be grateful for that.''

She stopped talking for a moment.  ''Who are you watching?''

''You know I'm surprised your father put up with you, you talk way too much.''

''You know I'd be surprised if your parents talked to you at all. They must love your brutal lifestyle, the drugs, the drinking,  the killings,  the parties. Where are they?''

Theo shook his head.  ''Somewhere nice I hope,'' he said, and Sofía stopped talking. ''They were killed in a car accident when I was 14 years old.''

Sofía covered her eyes with her hands. ''I'm sorry. I am so sorry.''

''Don't be, I mean you know everything right.'' As he said that she felt like she got slapped right in the face.  

''My mom died,'' she said.  ''She was quite depressed so she killed herself. It's great when your 5 years old and find your mom lying on the kitchen floor with pills everywhere. After she died, through the years me and my dad didn't have a lot of money. So dad came to sell drugs.''

Theo turned to her from the steering wheel. He looked at her with pity.

''Your mom and your dad didn't leave willingly. My mom did, on purpose.''

''I'm sorry.''

''Did I just hear a I'm sorry from Theo Strickland?'' She folded her arms smiling making Theo laugh.

 ''Shh, you'll blow my cover.'' He winked at her and she laughed, he then turned back to the wheel smiling to himself. He looked at her in the rearview mirror and Sofía saw his eyes staring straight into hers, she smiled and looked away.

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