Chapter 21

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Sofía wandered around the party. Theo was probably still getting some fresh air, and she had decided to go to the bathroom. After walking out of the bathroom, she heard some music coming from somewhere and it wasn't from the dancefloor. She decided to follow it, out of curiousity. 

She looked to her side and there was a room. Some guys drinking beer and playing cards, one of them was Tony. Sofía looked to her other side and there was another room, the door was open. It was the size of a small bathroom but it looked like a bedroom, there was a bed, night table and a window. A blonde girl sat on it with her back leaned against the wall.

''Why are you alone, don't you wanna come outside?'' Sofía asked and she noticed that the girl was a bit startled.

''I can't.''

''Why not?''

''Because she's not allowed to,'' someone said, his voice loud. Sofía turned around to see that it was Cole.

''Why not?'' asked Sofía.

''Her duty is to...please others.''

''You mean men?'' she raised her voice.

''That's right,'' he confirmed.

''So she's a prisoner in there to do that?'' she snapped.

''Calm down Sofía, it's just  how it works.''

''It's disgusting, I demand that you let her go.''

''Yeah sorry, you don't have that power.''

Out of nowhere, Theo appeared. ''What's going on?''

''This girl is locked here inside, please make him let her go!''  she begged him as she put her hands on her chest. As he held her right hand, keeping it on his chest ,Theo looked down and remained silent. ''You knew about this?'' she asked backing away from him and Theo kept on being silent. It made it very clear what the answer was.  ''Wow, Theo. I knew you were low, I knew you killed guys and I knew that you did drug dealing but this.'' She shook her head. ''So let me guess, you kidnapped her and forced her into prostitution?''


''No you did. I'm gonna end up like her right? That was your plan all along.''


''You know for a while I despited you, I thought of you as a monster and recently I thought maybe, just maybe you were a very good man underneath all of this. Now I know I was wrong.  I was clearly wrong,'' she said and ran away from him. 

''Sofía stop!'' He ran after her. ''Stop!'' he begged and grabbed her arm.

''Let go of me!'' she half shouted.

 ''No!'' he shouted back.

''Leave me alone,'' she said through gritted teeth, and Scott came upto them wondering what was going on.''Hi Scott,'' she awkwardly said. ''Could you drive me to the house, I want to go.''

He nodded. ''Sure, no problem,'' he said and Sofía left with him without saying a word to Theo. Theo stood alone, and behind him stood Cole smirking who had witnessed everything. It had pleased him.

''Thank you for the ride Scott, I really wanna go. I wanna leave,'' Sofía said as they stood infront of Theo's house. Scottt could see that she wanted nothing more to cry but somehow she managed to hold in the tears.

''We could take off.''

''No we couldn't, they'd find us just like that.''

''Your right, we should stick to Danny's plan.''

''Yes,'' she said. ''Do you wanna come inside?'' she asked him.

''Maybe I shouldn't, Elaine is in there.''

''You can't avoid her forever.'' 

''I should talk to her,'' he said as he had thought it all through. Elaine was messed up but he admitted he felt something for her and he didn't want to let that go. If he was going to be with her, he was going to help her. ''Let's go,'' he said and they both stepped out of the car and entered the house.  ''Elaine,'' Scott yelled. ''Elaine,'' he continued to yell and entered her room.

As Sofía was in her room she took off her cardigan and put it on the bed. Thinking of Theo, she wanted to scream or cry from the painful feeling. Maybe she could do both. 

''SOFÍA!'' Scott suddenly yelled at her, making her jump and she ran quickly  into Elaine's room. 

''What's wrong?'' she asked. Her eyes examined the room, it was a mess. All of the drawers were empty and some money had been taken.

 ''She took off. Elaine ran away,'' said Scott.

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