Chapter 13

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''You think that's funny don't you?'' Sofía heard a British accent behind her. She figured out it was Cole, he was standing there with a smirk on his face. Unlike Cole, she had a serious look on her face.

''No I don't,'' she protested, barely looking at him.

''Yes you do, love. I humiliated you so you took your chance and did the very same thing to me,''  said Cole and stepped closer to her. He was so close to her face that it was almost smothering her. He was very lucid, that was her opinion, but also that he was very wanton. He didn't care, he didn't feel. Perhaps Theo was that way too, but you could see it in Cole's eyes. He didn't care what he did, he just figured everything he did was the right thing.

''I don't know what you're talking about. '' She folded her arms.

''I think you do.'' He grinned at her and walked away.

''What was that?'' asked Theo, all of a sudden. Sofía remained silent. ''I asked you a question,'' He initiated. ''What happened to and I quote 'it can never happen again' ?'' he rasped.

''I don't know, okay?'' she said, trying to seem clueless but it wasn't working very well for her. The petrifying thing about him was that he looked as if he were going to kiss her again, he stared at her lips but she would not let that happen again.

''You just kissed me, you should know!''

''You saw Cole, he was putting on a show.''

''So you decided to do one too.'' He folded his arms, she could see that he had fury written all over him. Sofía said nothing, only stared at him as he acted like a disappointed father.

''You didn't exactly pull away,'' she stated.

 ''I..I..did...'' he hissed making Sofía roll her eyes. She pushed herself past him and was on her way back to Scott when she found him on the dance floor. Elaine was on the other side of the dance floor, dancing with some random guys. Sofía ignored it and took another shot of tequila.

Elaine pushed herself through the dancing crowd, she made her way over to Scott and gave him a pill. ''Been waiting for that...'' he joked and put it in his mouth. In about six minutes it had kicked in and he loved it. Cole noticed as they two danced together, unamused. He walked over to them and grabbed Scott's arm. ''Is there something wrong?'' Scott asked.

''No, nothing at all,'' Cole assured him. ''Just need you to come with me somewhere.''

''Cole, what are you doing?'' Elaine asked.

''Nothing to worry about love.'' He winked and he and Scott went somewhere alone into a room. 

''Uhm, what are we doing here?'' he asked, feeling clueless. His hair who had been  combed back with hair gel was getting kind of messy. He tried to straighten it with his hands.

''Here, take this.'' He put something that was white on his finger.

''It's cocaine...'' realized Scott as he had studied it and had seen some of the guys take it but didn't think that he had to, until now.

''No kidding,'' Cole laughed like it wasn't a serious thing and stepped closer to him.

''I can't, Cole...''

''DO IT. I'm not here to screw around, you're doing it because I tell you to. Or are you a coward, because if you are I have no idea why you're hanging around with us...'' he demanded, a hint of threat in his voice. Scott could admit to himself that Cole really scared him. He had power over them all and Scott couldn't beat him, and he had to do it. For Sofía. The tone in Cole's voice told him to so he persuaded himself and did it.

''It's good isn't it, Scott?'' he whispered quietly into his ear. ''Stick with us, and you can have more.'' He winked at him and put his arm around his shoulder. Cole's voice haunted him, and it didn't surprise him if it haunted everybody else too.

Sofía had arrived back to Theo's place and she was once again lonely lying on her bed. She had a pillow pressed to her chest imagining that she was in her father's arms. She missed him, and she only wanted him.

She hoped he was doing okay without her, better then she was doing. She heard a knock on the door and perked up. ''Come in...'' she mumbled, the door opened and she was surprised to find Elaine standing in the doorway.

''Hey,'' she greeted.

''Oh, hey.'' Elaine closed the door after her and allowed herself to sit on Sofía's bed. ''Are you okay? I mean, I know what you did...'' Sofía shrugged her shoulders, not knowing what to say.

''It was stupid, it was just that Cole kissed you willingly in front of me and I felt humiliated. I just don't like to be treated that way and I kind of snapped,'' she said. Elaine looked down at the floor. ''Are you his pet or something?'' Sofía allowed herself to ask. ''I mean no offence but it's like he has you on a leash.''

Elaine laughed nervously.  ''Truth is, Theo and Cole and even Tony were always best mates. Theo was always involved in this drug thing with Cole and Tony and then I got involved. I had sex with Cole because he wanted to and I was quite young, about seventeen and it felt like everyone did it anyway. So I did.''

Sofía nodded, processing Elaine's words in her mind.

''Are you a virgin? '' Elaine suddenly asked.

Sofía shook her head. ''No, my first time was with a guy who... '' Sofía felt the tears running down her cheeks, thinking about that painful memory. ''I did it with  a guy when I was seventeen and I uh had a huge crush on him but ... he ignored me afterwards. I was just a hook up to him but for me it was...a big deal. ''

''Oh my god, eww. What a bastard.  Guys are assholes! ''

''I know, tell me about it. ''

 Elaine touched her shoulder, comforting her. ''Just don't do that again Sofía. Cole doesn't like to be put in his place, especially by a girl.'' She hit her playfully and rose up from the bed. She walked out of the room and Sofía leaned back to the bed, continuing to hug the pillow.

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