Chapter 23

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Elaine's eyes flickered open, everything was white. She looked to her side and found herself in a room she didn't recognize. She was in a bed, she was at the hospital.

''Hello, can you hear me?'' It was a man's voice and it echoed in her head, he must have been in his twenties. ''Do you know who you are? What  is your name?'' By his side stood a doctor. ''Do you know what today is? Do you know what year it is?''

''2014...'' she said.

''Very good, she seems stable,'' The doctor said.

''Where am I?''

''Well, you come along way so your not where you came from. '' Elaine nodded, she was glad she wasn't found by them, meaning Cole. ''What is your name?''


''I found your car just by the town, if I wouldn't have found you sooner you probably would be dead,'' thee other man said.  ''I'm Edward.'' He smiled brightly.

''Thank you, Edward.'' Elaine smiled back, grateful that he had rescued her. She rose up.

''gently,'' the doctor said. ''You were in a pretty bad accident, your left leg is broken.''

''That explains the pain,'' said Elaine wincing.

''I'll fetch you some painkillers,'' the doctor said before rushing out.

''So where are you from, where were you going?''

''I lived alone..'' she lied. ''I was just going to move, because of school. It'll start in 4 months,'' she lied. ''It's a writing program, it's for two years,'' said Elaine, surprised at what she came up with. ''I guess, it's fine .I'll put it on hold atleast until I get better.''

''That's good, do you have any family I could contact?''

''NO,'' she half yelled making him jump. ''I'm sorry, I have a headache and the leg is kind of hurting. I don't have any family, my parents passed away few years back and I was an only child. ''

''I'm sorry.''

''It's alright.'' For one thing, the part about the parents was true, they were no longer alive. But she did have a brother, Theo. She loved him deeply but she hated his lifestyle. Few moments later the doctor game with a glass of water and two painkillers in his palm.

Cole, Theo and Scott sat in the couch, meanwhile Sofía was in her room, sleeping.'' Scott watched the worried and tense look on Theo's face. ''Any sign of her?'' Theo asked Cole.

''Tony's still looking, there's no sign,'' Cole said. Scott stared down at the floor.

''Do you know about anything Scott?'' Theo asked him. '' Do you know where she would want to go, because I know you did talk.''

''She never told me anything like that,'' he replied and could feel Cole's eyes on him. All though Elaine did tell him something, she wished she could go far away, go on vacation but that wouldn't be much use, would it?  Theo then remained silent and tapped his foot nervously. Suddenly he snapped and quickly jumped from the sofa.

''I can't just sit here and do nothing!'' he yelled.  ''I have to find her. I need my sister, she might be hurt or something.''

''Look just calm down Theo,'' Cole raised his voice at him. ''Tony is looking and he will find her. I will not give up, we will find her. I promise!'' Theo nodded his head as he had calmed his nerves down. He was relaxed.

The day had been stressfull, all he, Cole and Theo had tried to do was find any sign of Elaine but there was nothing. When night came and he was finally alone at his apartment, Scott grabbed his phone and dialled Danny's number. Danny finally answered.


''Danny, it's Scott. Look we have to get this plan moving, I can't stay here anymore.Sofía can't stay here anymore. What's happening?''

''Look, I have an idea. I don't know why I didn't think of it before. You have a phone, so record a conversation with Cole. He was out of the country because the police was after him and this will lead the police to him again. Proof, and Sofía will be out of there in no time, all right?''

''That's a great idea Danny.''

''Be careful when you do it Scott.''

''I will, see you Danny,'' he said his goodbyes and hung up. 

 On the other line, Danny put his phone on the table. ''I got you Cole,'' he said to himself. ''You ruined my life, and now I'm going to ruin yours.''

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