Chapter 4

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Scott was sitting at a restaurant him and Sofía oftently hung out at, either to just hang out, for projects from school or just to eat. Unfortunately not anymore. She was gone from him and Mr. De Leon and he was determined to change that. He had to get her back. For her and Mr. De Leon.

''Okay,what do you want from me?'' Danny asked, full of despite as he had agreed to meet up with Scott. He sat down in the booth, facing Scott. Danny, like Scott, had blonde hair and he was muscular, the opposite of Scott. He wore a black leather jacket like he always would. Either way he would ride his harley or his truck, this time he had cleary taken his truck as he saw it parked in front of the resturant.

''I told you on the phone, your help.''

Danny quickly hissed, rolling his eyes. ''One phone call and I'll be your saviour.'' He folded his arms together.

''Look Danny,“ he snapped. ''It's not even about me. Your the only one I know who can do this. My best friend Sofía is in huge trouble and I just need you for that nothing else. Look I'll pay you money and everything.'' 

''Really?'' Danny asked getting slightly interested as soon as he heard the word 'money' and Scott nodded. ''And where does a high school boy get a handful of money?'' He grinned, cleary more then desperate to know the answer.

''I'm not a high school boy,'' said Scott offended. ''I'm in university and I'm twenty two years old!''

''Okay, fine then. And how does a university boy like you get a handful of money?''

''When dad died remember and he left alot of money, you remember. The ones you wouldn't take.''

All of a sudden clearly after some deep thoughts about Scott‘s proposal, Danny finally growled. ''Fine, I'll do it. Just this once!''

Scott nodded. ''Thank you Danny.''

''But why not just call the police?''

''And risk Sofía and her dad's life even more? No thank you.''

''Whatever..'' Danny mumbled to himself as he took a bite of Scott's french fries and obviously not caring about what Scott really thought. Scott was just glad that his brother would actually help him out, but he had no idea what kind of guys they were about to deal with. Hopefully not as bad as he thought.

Sofía was in her room, sitting on the bed and leaning against the wall, sighing. All of a sudden the doors bursted open and there stood Theo, in the doorway. She looked at him with complete disgust. She couldn‘t help but to examine his features, despite his lack of heart, he was really handsome. His dark short hair was perfectly combed and perfectly cut. He wore his suit, presenting himself as a dominant and a scary man. He needed no help with that.

''Why did you take me?'' she demanded after daring herself to do so.

''Well, it was either your father being dead and you offered yourself'' He threw a broom towards her. ''This house needs a little cleaning.'' He smirked and left the room. She shook her head in disgust as she held the broom.

She cleaned for the rest of the day and saw him around from time to time. He did some kind of business with other guys and sometimes watched her clean which felt very uncomfortable. She just wanted her father, that was all she wanted. She looked at the broken clock that was still on the table, she didn't know why but it was the only thing she could stand to look at this very moment. Her eyes then concentrated on the room he had strictly banned her to go to. She shook the feeling off of her and continued to clean.

She felt herself jump a little as her shoulder was being touched, she turned around finding a young man standing infront of her. ''Don't be scared,'' he said, giving her a small smile. ''Just do what your supposed to do and you'll be safe.''

''And may I ask who you are?'' she asked.

''It's Tony, I work for Theo.''

She nodded.

''Just do what I just told you and you'll be fine.''

She nodded. ''Thank you Tony,'' she said and he was about to walk away from her when she stopped him, speaking up. ''Wait, but do you know what's in that room?''

He turned around to face her, clearly surprised she would asking hi that question. ''Stay out of it, it's for the best,'' he warned and she nodded as he walked away from her.

Moments later, Theo was back. This time he didn‘t wear his jacket with the rest of his suit, he held it as he had taken it off and his white buttoned shirt was now showing. ''You did a good job, now you may go to your room. I'll be bringing you dinner.''

''Wow, first I was dining with you and now in my room. What an honor. ''

''Yes, that was before you tried to escape,'' he said coldly, his face dominant and grim.

''I wouldn‘t have it any other way. '' Sofía she shook her head, rolling her eyes and walked away to her bedroom.

''So what are your plans?'' Scott asked, as he was still with Danny but at his place this time. He noticed the leftovers of junk food on Danny‘s table and the stack of dirty clothes around him. Danny clearly didn‘t like to clean after himself.

''Look, Scott. You don't know the half of what were dealing with. These guys are real, like real. Your getting yourself into their messed up underworld filled with drugs and money, so I'm not sure if you even want to help me.''

Scott looked at him coldly, processing his words that were going through his head. Underworld filled with drugs and money. That's what he had said but he was not going to let that stop him, his best friend was in danger and he was going to save her. ''I am going to help you, I'm not going to turn back now.''

''Good,'' Danny said, taking a sip of his beer. ''Very good.''

''So, I was doing a little research on them,'' Danny continued. ''And on this guy who took her.''

''Is he really that bad?'' he asked Danny who looked at him with a serious look on his face.

 ''He's one of the worst,'' Danny replied.

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