Chapter 27

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Scott's eyes widened in fear. He had found out his secret, Cole had his phone and he had a suspicious look on his face. He'd find out, he'd explode and he'd kill Scott. With every second Scott's heart beated faster, the sweat was running down his forehead and the top of his hair began getting wet because of the sweat. Scott wiped it off his forhead trying to act like nothing was wrong but Cole would probably prevent that, he would kill him. Cole looked at the screen of the phone and Scott wondered what he was looking at. He swallowed a big lump in his throat and he wanted to scream for help, he wanted to go away, get Sofía and never return.

Cole stopped looking at it and turned the screen so Scott could see. ''No signal.'' Cole smiled. Scott sighed out of relief, thank goodness for this basement, there was no signal here. Cole handed him the phone and Scott put it back into his pocket.

''Cole, who is that in the box? Whose hand is that?''

''Right, that is...''

Suddenly, someone bursted through the doors. The person was dragging someone behind him and Cole tried to see who it was, as the person came out of the darkness he knew exactly who it was and he couldn't believe it. Neither could Scott.

''Danny,'' said Scott. Behind him came a person he did not expect to see, Elaine. Danny was dragging her with him. ''Danny, what are you doing. This was not the plan!''

''It's my plan.''

''You rat!'' Cole shouted at Scott. ''So you did betray me!''

''I...'' Scott tried to say something but he couldn't.

''So we meet again Cole, and Scott isn't the rat. You are.'' Tears were streaming down Elaine's cheeks, she was scared.

''Please, when are you going to get over that.''

''YOU KILLED THE GIRL I LOVED!'' Danny screamed at Cole furious, his voice echoed through the basement.

''She had it coming, find someone new.''

''He did what?'' Scott shouted

''Feelings are overrated Scott, it's better not to feel anything at all.''

''Yeah, you will feel. I'm going to kill her, so you know how it feels,'' Danny said.

''Do as you please Danny, I don't love her. I can do it for you. It's what she gets for trying to run away from me,'' Cole said smirking. It was as if he didn't care for Elaine.

''NO DON'T!'' Scott protested, Elaine shivered with fear. She looked at Scott.

''I guess someone here loves her,'' Cole smirked. ''Kill her, it'll kill her too. Kill her Danny, kill her, kill her.''

''Yeah, no I'm not going to do that Cole. She was just an experiment.'' He released Elaine and pushed her harshly away from him. ''I had a back up plan, wait here,'' Danny said and went to the corner to get something, or someone. Behind him came a man and he was now dragging him with him.

Cole's eyes widened. ''What have you done?'' he shouted.

''Here's someone you love. Your brother.''

''Edward,'' Cole said, his face blank.

''Cole,'' he responded.

Suddenly another person bursted through the doors, Theo. And after him came Sofía. ''What is going on?'' he shouted, seeing Danny holding the gun, aiming at a man's head then there was Cole and Scott. He was definitely surprised that Elaine was there too.

''Elaine?'' He bent down over to her and she was half crying. He wrapped his arms around her. ''You'll be okay, alright?'' she nodded and he stood back up. Suddenly his eyes landed on the box and in it was a hand. ''What the? Okay, who's hand is that?'' he shouted. ''Who's hand is that?'' he continued to shout and looked at Cole.

 ''It's Tony's,'' said Cole. ''He's dead.''

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