Chapter 2

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Here I am at school when head bitch comes up to me. "Now look what the cat dragged in." "What is it Hailey?" "I just wanted to come up to you and say how worthless you are! You little shit you're nothing! You're also fat and ugly too!" "Thanks Hailey." "Is that sarcasm I hear you piece of shit?" "No I-I just-" "Get her girls!" And just like that I got a punch to the face and stomach with a slap across my face my hair being pulled and getting aggressively shoved into the lockers. "Next time don't talk back to me." After that Hailey and her little squad walk away. "Are you okay?" Nyakim asks. "Yeah I'm fine." "Girl! You're gonna have to tell them sooner or later!" Javi says worriedly. "I know I know. It's just that I don't want everyone to start being fake to my face! And what about Hailey? You know she will do anything to make it seem like she's not an asshole! I don't wanna be labeled as the sick girl." "Y/n I know you don't but what's gonna happen when you start losing your hair and people find out?" Javi says. "I'll ask my mom to get me a wig when that happens but for now I don't want anyone to know and I would appreciate it if you both didn't tell anyone." "Yes ma'am!" Javi says. "So, do you think your mom will let you got to the concert this month?" If you didn't know, BTS is having a concert this month on the 31st. "Yes, I asked her and she bought the tickets. She wants me to go with you guys and be careful." "Good." "We don't want anything to happen to you." Nyakim says while hugging me. The bell rings signaling everyone to go to class.
Time skip- in the bathroom
It's the afternoon and I'm in the bathroom washing my hands with my headphones on singing

(Pretend that's you)
That is when someone walked in the bathroom and tapped my shoulder. "You have an amazing voice!" Said my crush Alexandra. Yeah I'm also bisexual. "Th-thank you Alexandra." "No problem. And uh-call me Alex." She said with a wink. "O-okay. Thanks Alex." "No problem babygirl." With that she walked out while checking me out and licking her lips. "Oh shit!" I said panicking.
Time skip- at home
"Hey honey! How was school?" My mom asked. "Eh, it was okay." "Good! Now wash up because I'm preparing dinner." "Yes mom." "Hold it!" My dad said. "What is it dad?" "What is that on your face?" "Is that a bruise?" My sister asked worried. "I can explain-" "Who did this?" Oh shit! I have never seen my dad this mad in my life! "Was it that Hailey girl and her group of friends again?" "Yes dad." I couldn't lie to my father. Especially when he can tell I'm lying and so can the rest of my family. "Go wash up then we can eat. We will deal with this tomorrow when you come home from school." "Yes dad." And with that the rest of the night was with me eating, cutting, and then going to bed.
Time skip- the next day at school
Alex's POV
Something has been off with Y/n recently. She hasn't been acting like herself. I overheard her conversation yesterday with her friends. I didn't know she had cancer. I'm gonna do my best to cheer her up and be there for her! I'm not just doing to be nice and because she has cancer but....I love her.
Y/n's POV
I'm at my locker when I hear a familiar voice. "Hey beautiful, how are we doing today?" I turn around to meet Alex. "Oh, Hi Alex!" "How are you feeling?" What the hell? "I'm fine. Why?" "Just checking." "Oh." I try to walk away but get pulled back by my wrist. "Wait! I wanted to ask you something." "What is it?" "I wanted to ask if you if you could be my date to the concert on the 31st." WHAT?! IS THIS FUCKING REAL???!!!! ALQLKWKEJRFODOWKJQJEKDKD!!! ALEXANDRA PEPPERMAN JUST ASKED ME TO BE HER DATE!!!! "Um I- yes! Yes I would love to be your date!" "Good. See you then babygirl. Where something nice." With that she slapped my ass and walked away. I walk to my vocal class where our teacher is having us sing today. I've never sang infront of anyone before. "Okay class! Who would like to go first?" Don't pick me don't pick me don't- "Y/n!" Son of a bitch! "Yes?" "Why don't you go first?" "Oh well uh-" "Y/n is too much of a loser! She couldn't sing if she tried!" The class bursted with laughter. It wasn't even that funny. "Stop that! Stop that right now! You will not pick on her!" By the way, everyone here except for the students and my two best friends know I have cancer. I made them swear on their life not to tell until I felt comfortable. "Y/n don't be shy." "O-okay." I nervously walk to the stage with my head down to the mike and begin singing.

(This is you singing ☺️)
After I finish everyone is looking at me with shocked faces and couldn't believe what I had did. "So, who would like to go next?" I asked in the microphone.
To be continued...

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