Chapter 4

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Y/n's POV
Fast forward to June 31st- the BTS concert
Today was the day of the concert! I am so excited but nervous at the same time! I got dressed and waited on my front porch for Alex to pick me up. Just in case you forgot she is my date. A few minutes later I saw a car pull up and I said goodbye to my family and got in. "Wow! You sure took me seriously when I told you to dress nice!" "Thank you" Nyakim and Javi look at me and their jaws dropped!
(This is the outfit)

 "Wow! You sure took me seriously when I told you to dress nice!" "Thank you" Nyakim and Javi look at me and their jaws dropped!(This is the outfit)

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"Ready to go?" We all nod and Alex drives off
Time skip- at the concert
We were all at the stadium in our seats. We got as close as possible to the stage and I was so nervous! I was finally gonna see the boys up close! The concert started and we all screamed and cheered and held our army bombs in the air. They were performing when Taehyung started walking towards me. "Taehyung is coming!" Javi squeals. My hands were sweating. He just stared at me while singing. Idk if I had something on my face or what!
(This is your hair and makeup btw)

 Idk if I had something on my face or what! (This is your hair and makeup btw)

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Your skin was glowing and Taehyung was just staring at you in awe

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Your skin was glowing and Taehyung was just staring at you in awe. Soon Jimin came over to see what he was looking at and reacted the same way. Alex was starting to get jealous a little bit 😅 "I think someone is jealous." Javi says laughing. "She's real jealous!" Nyakim adds! Soon they were laughing and I started laughing as well. Soon Jimin whispered something to one of the security guards then looked back at me an then Taehyung and Jimin walked off. "Okay I love them but I don't want them looking at what's mine!" Alex says. I feel my cheeks burn up and Alex looks at me and winks while licking her lips.
Fast forward to the end of the concert
Before we were able to leave a security guard came up to us and took us backstage. "Oh shit!" We all said. We arrive backstage and wait for someone to come see us. "Do you think this has to do with Taehyung and Jimin eyeing you?" "I don't know! I think it does! I'm so nervous!" "Guys relax! It's probably nothing!" "Then why are we backstage?" Our thoughts get interrupted by the boys coming up to us.
"There she is! That's her!" Taehyung exclaims while pointing at me. "Oh my god." We all say. "Are we in trouble?" Javi asks. "No, we just wanted to see what Jimin and Taehyung were staring at and now I can see why they were staring." Namjoon looks me up and down and then looks at my friends. "So what are your names?" "I-I-I'm Javi." "I'm Nyakim." "I'm Y/n." "And I'm Alex." Namjoon continues to smile at us. "Such beautiful names for four beautiful girls." We all blushed. "Someone blushing." Jungkook teases. "But there is a reason as to why we called you back here."
To be continued...

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