Chapter 23

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Y/n's POV
I woke up in an familiar room. I was in the hospital. I tried to get up but failed. I groaned loudly in pain. "Honey! Be careful!" My mom says worriedly. "Mom, what happened to me?" I ask concerned. "That is what I am trying to figure out." My mom says angrily. The doctor walks in the room. "Ah Y/n! You're awake!" The doctor says. "Doc, what happened to me?" I asked. "You have been beaten very badly. One witness called the police when she saw what happened to you." The doctor says. I was beaten up? Suddenly, the memories of yesterday afternoon flooded my mind. Hailey was hitting me, kicking me, burning me, and Jamal pushed me down the stairs! "You dumb fat ugly loser bitch! Please die already!" Those words flooded my mind. Why did they do that to me? "No one loves you!" "Kill yourself!" "Worthless bitch!" "Ugly whore!" "Slut!" "Fat pig!" "Your mother made a mistake giving birth to you!" "I'm glad you have cancer!" "Kill yourself" Those words....I've been told those things all my life....I'm still getting told those things today....there are words even worse that I don't wanna say...what did I do to deserve this? "Y/n? Y/n? Hello?" The doctor's voice brought me back to reality. "Y-yes?" "Your bruises are healing up and the swelling in your eye is going down. But your leg is badly broken and you need to use crutches." I wanted to cry right then and there. "So she will be okay yes?" My mother asks. "She will be okay. She just needs to use crutches and her leg will heal." "Thank you so much doctor!" My mother says hugging the doctor.
(Time skip to at home)
I was still learning how to use my crutches. When I got home I was met with a really angry dad and worried siblings. "This has gone on far to long Denise! I am tired of people picking on our daughter! This has been going on her whole life!" My dad says angrily. "I don't want to see my sister hurt anymore." Imani says while crying. Malachi comes up to me and hugs me tightly. "I don't want to see my big sister hurting anymore." Malachi says. "Guys, is it okay if I go for a walk?" I ask. My parents were hesitant but they allowed it. "You can go. Just take your phone and call us IMMEDIATELY when you are returning home." "Yes father." I grab my phone and my house keys and walk down the street.
(Time skip to bridge)
I cried and cried my eyes out. This has been going on my whole life! All this abuse from people at my school and random people in general! What have I done that was so bad to deserve this treatment? I will never understand! "I don't wanna live anymore...I can't take it anymore." I was about to jump but was harshly pulled back. "You can't do this!" That voice sounded so familiar. It was


To be continued...

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