Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV
We are still in vocal class and everyone kept their eyes on me as I walked back to my seat with my head down. "Y/n! I didn't know you had such a unique and amazing angelic voice!" "Thank you Mrs. Stevens." "I-I'm shocked! You just passed this assignment with a A+!" "Thank you." Everyone in the room clapped while Hailey just stared at me with a deadly glare. "Lord help me!"
Time skip- at lunch
I am sitting at lunch with my friends when two arms wrap around me. "Is this seat taken?" Alex asks. "N-no. You can sit." I say. "Thank you sexy." I blushed. "So Alex, Y/n here tells us you asked her out to the concert on the 31st!" Nyakim says teasing me. "Yeah I did. And she said yes." "Woooooooooow!" Javi and Nyakim both say. "Did y'all here her in vocal class today? She was amazing!" "Yeah we heard. She doesn't really sing infront of people except for us and her family." "Is that so? Well in that case I say she should definitely sing more. You have a voice and should share it with the world. I would love to hear an original song from you. You're talented." "Oh, thank you." And that is when I felt something cold drip down my back. "Hey! What gives!" Alex says Angrily. "Just showing this worthless ugly piece of shit who the boss is!" I then get up just to be grabbed my my shirt by Hailey. "You think you're hot shit just because you can sing? Well guess what? Your singing is shit! You will never be a singer and you will never be successful and BTS will never know about you you know why? Because you are nothing. That is all you will ever be. Now do us a favor and go kill yourself." There it was. Those words...I released myself from her grip and sprinted my way to the bathroom and locked myself in the stall with my blade.
I made the first cut and then a few more watching the blood drip down my arm after making a few more cuts I hear the bathroom door open and my name being called. "Y/n! Y/n! Y/n where are you?!" "I'm in here." I open the stall door too see a worried Alex infront of me. "Oh my baby!" Did I just hear that right? Did she just call me baby? What does she see in me? "Why did you do this?" She holds my arm firmly looking at me with tears in her eyes. It broke my heart. "Because I'm nothing. I'm worthless, ugly, anything you could think of." "Don't say that! Don't you ever say that!" What she did next shocked me. She kissed me on the lips passionately. I kissed back. "You are not worthless or ugly! You hear me? You are with something! The world is not better off without you! You are the most gorgeous being I have ever seen in my life! You have the best body I have ever seen! I mean that! Your kind, sweet, generous, funny, outgoing, you have an amazing voice which I can listen too all day! Your shyness and the way you blush every time I approach you is so fucking cute! So don't ever say that you are worthless or ugly or feel like you don't belong or that the world is better off without you because it's not true!" At this point I was in tears. "Okay, I'm sorry." "Don't be. It's not your fault. Not let's get you a new shirt and bandaged up and let's go back to lunch." She pulled out a bandage and started taking off her shirt. "A-Alex! What are you doing?" "You're wearing my shirt. You looked so cute wearing my hoodie the other day and you will look amazing in this. It shows off all of your curves." She handed me her shirt and I changed into it and gave her my wet shirt and she wrapped my arm up. "There, now let's go back to lunch. Your friends are probably worried about you."
She took my hand and we left the bathroom.
The rest of the day was amazing
To be continued...

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