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"I'm not too fond of you putting your whole life into something and you're not happy

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"I'm not too fond of you putting your whole life into something and you're not happy. I raised you to follow your heart and do what makes you truly happy," My mother, Bernice said fixing me a plate of food.

I sighed heavily mentally rolling my eyes at her motherly antics. It was Sunday and me and my siblings grew up on hot meals every time it rolled around.

I couldn't remember a Sunday that she missed if it weren't for her slaving at a job or something very important stopping her.

"I didn't say I wasn't happy mama, I said it's stressful at times." Which it was.

I worked as a Social Media Influencer. Roughly at 7.6 million subscribers on YouTube—and 4.9 million followers on Instagram which I favored more.

It paid exceptionally well especially for me to be so young, but, any job could be a struggle at times even with the hefty compensation.

I started a YouTube channel as a teen to give fashion advice for those in need and to use it as an escape from everything that I was going through at the time. I loved fashion more than many things, and I truly believe that the passion for it is what got me in the door.

Back then, beforehand,  I was working as a cashier at footlocker. Getting discounted sneakers as a high schooler wasn't something to complain about.

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