The Baby Is Finally Growing Up!

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2312 CHAPTER 003

Now that I am fighting cancer,
everybody already knows that.

People ask me all the time about
how you go through your life and how's your day, and nothing is chnged for me.

- Jim Valvano


14th, August

Win was admitted to the hospital on that very day. Since morning, he felt so dizzy and he's like having a vertigo. He had thrown up a few times and couldn't even balance himself, sometimes his vision was blurried too. He had tripped at the kitchen while making some breakfast, and when he is about to get up, for an instant moment everything will turn black and darkness envelopes his surroundings.

The doctors at the hospital adviced him to come as fast as possible when something such incidents like that were to happen again. Luckily, the boy's roommate had classes all morning and didn't noticed absense in class. The tall boy stopped attending the University for a week now, and no one even knew that, not even his best friend, Bright.

Those few who noticed it, just thought that Win was skipping classes but that was really not the case. The boy had simply just decided to give up, because what is the use of attending your classes and your university if he won't live his life that long and would not attend his soon graduation? This was his excuse.

The boy was now lying on the hospital's bed, intubated while on top of his chest are some colorful wires attached, being connected to a computer-like machine. A nurse approached him and slowly pierced his milky skin with a sharp needle. Win shuddered at first as he glanced away from it and at the doctor who was just sitting quietly at the corner of the room, while the nurse was still taking his blood. And this time, the boy didn't feel any pain, or rather he wasn't scared and terrified at all. The procedure that once seemed like summoning satan thing to him while he was the offer, now left the boy in apathy.

After she was done, the nurse beemed a smile at the boy and put on his ripped skin a bandage. Win thanked the woman and then turned back to the doctor's side.

"It's funny how I used to be scared of medical equipments before and now, I just think of them as a routine of mine." Win chuckled with no humor on it, bitterness is visible.

The doctor looked at him with pity look on his face. "You'll get use to it, Mr. Opas-iamkajorn."

"Doc," Win called the man as he played with his fingers. "do.... do you believe in life after death?"

The doctor shook his head twice. "No Mr. Opas-iamkajorn, not at all."

The young boy slightly laughed at the doctor's response. He wasn't expecting this kind of answer. He just needed some hope, someone or something to just reassure him that this is still not the end of him, of his life.

"What kind of answer is that, doc? You could have at least lied to me, to your patient."

The doctor snorted lowly. "There is no point in lying,"

"Your words are always so counted, doc."

"I don't like wasting some time."

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