PART II: The Truth Is Revealed At Last

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2312 CHAPTER 021

Everyone was staring at Win, puzzled and confused after his request to wait for everyone to gather on the table. What did the boy had to announce that it was so important for him and for them? They all were giving secret glances at each other, like asking if anyone knows what this is all about, but no one seemed to really know. Dr. Tay maybe had an idea, what he doubted the boy had the guts to even say it.

Finally, after a few minutes passed by, Weeraya came out of the kitchen holding a tray with everyone's servings on it. She placed the tray on the table gently and then served everyone. Love glanced at the older and signaled her to sit down. "Hurry, P. Hurry!"

"The food won't run away, relax, Love."

"It's not that, P'Weeraya. Win said he wants to tell us something really important... And you need to be here, with us. So hurry up, naaa."

Weeraya froze when she was about to serve herself. She first glanced at Love and then at Win as she was standing up, holding her plate. Her sight moving from the boy to Dr. Tay, and the doctoe just nodded at Weeraya as if he understood what she was thinking of.

That the brunet wanted to announce them the truth.

Weeraya let go of the dish and out it back on the tray as she slowly sat down on her chair, always staring at Win from time to time before she finally answered.

"W-what do you want to tell us, Win? I'm listening."

"WE'RE listening." Love corrected the older and smiled at Win, encouraging him to continue.

Win gulped, lowering his head for a moment as he then stood up, grabbing the bottle of water. "W-why don't you have some water first, guys?" the boy asked with a very forced smile, trying to delay his statement.

Bright- who was sitting next to him- grabbed the younger boy's arm and gently pushed him down. "Just tell us. I hate waiting, Win."

Weeraya and Tay stared at each other once again. They were now sure of what the brunet wanted to tell them. Love on the other hand, had no idea what was going on. She was as confused as Bright.

The brunet sat down, gulping once again for the nth time. He then glanced at everyone's faces, his legs fidgeting because of his perplexity. He finally took a deep breath and closed his eyes until he breathed out.

"What I wanted to say... Is really, really important. Some of you all know it already, but I wanted everyone to be here at this moment. I don't know how to properly say this, so please forgive me. I will just start from the beginning..." he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "I... um... every year I'm doing a check up at the hospital, a-and they never found anything wrong with me. But last August, I went with Bright and... I-i'm so sorry for lying to you, P... But they found something." he saw Bright's straight facial expression softened. He bit his lower lip before adding, "T-Tay is my doctor and my friend, he was the one that told me I had cancer... of pancreas." he heard some gasps and groans from his friends as he said the last words. So, he took a deep breath once again and continued.

"We did some more tests later on and it was confirmed... He told me my condition was rare and that I have 12 months to live... B-but..." he stopped, his eyes becoming red as tears started dripping down his face. Love watched him in shock as her jaw dropped while Bright was shocked too, because the boy had finally said the truth. That everything he had read in the boy's diary was indeed true. W wipped his tears and continued "I'm sorry, but I don't have 12 months anymore... I-it just dropped down to 3 and it was my fault because I didn't do chemotherapy on time... A-and I have already searched along with Tay for any further therapies to save me from this fate of mine but... there is none... T-that's what I wanted to share with you guys, and I'm really sorry for not t-telling you earlier." the boy's voice cracked as he started sobbing. Love and Bright were so shocked that they couldn't utter a word, they had frozen in that position.

Weeraya quickly stood up and walked across the table, to the other side, when the brunet was, standing behind him as she gave him a back hug. "You did a good job. You did a good job." as she then ruffled the young boy's hair. The boy stood up and properly hugged Weeraya. Tay also standing up, joining the two.

Weeraya glanced at both Bright and Love and beckoned them to come and support Win.

They all made a group hug, Bright bursting in tears suddenly and soon, Love joining him. Weeraya friendly patted both of their backs as she smiled, "It's okay, it's okay. Shh..." Win grabbing both Tay's and Weeraya's hand and not letting them go as he squeezed them so tight. He then glanced at his P'Bright and slightly laughed. "P, you are ugly when you are crying. And Love, you look like a stray dog. Stop being like that, you make me feel so bad."

Bright laughed in between his crying, Love chuckled as she said, "Why are you like this? It's so hard to laugh when you cry. I can't breath." the black-haired let go of the hug and teasingly shouted at the boy.

"You punk!" Win laughed, backing away as he then glanced at everyone and smiled. "Just promise me that you won't cry when I die. I want you all to live a happy life. Live happy for me! Okay?

Everyone nodded and Bright held the boy's both cheeks with his palms, they were warm. Win smiled as he raised his hand, "Pinky promise?"

"Really? Pinky promise? How old are you, Winwin?" Love retorted with a chucke as she also raised her hand to make pinky promise.

"No older than you are, Love. I also see you agreeing to this." Weeraya responded with a laugh, as she linked her finger with theirs.

Dr. Tay followed Weeraya's example too while Bright was hesitating in embarrassment. Weeraya grabbed his hand and made him by force do the pinky promise.

"Ah gosh, really. You are so slow."

"I haven't done this since elementary!"

"Excuses..." Weeraya pouted.

After that event, everyone sat down and continued eating as if Win never told them a thing about his illness. They laughed, they joked about each other, they played together and even sang karaoke. Everything was back to normal, as if nothing had chanced.

No... Actually one thing had changed. Win wasn't alone anymore. He had people supporting him, not just his friends but also his family. Maybe for the first time in all those 21 years he has lived, he has never been so close to those guys than now.

And that, makes him smile so bright. Like a bunny.

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