[M] PART I: The Diary That Came From The Pits Of Hell

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2312 CHAPTER 011

9th, September

Cold, black leather with gold details on the edges. Soft texture that leaves a sensation of touching silk. Hard cover, about 150 pages inside with no lines like the others. A notebook used as a diary.

It was Win's diary, the one he had wrote everything he had on his mind, all his feelings and complains. Now it was in Bright's hands. The person who the boy wanted the least to touch his diary has now get a hold of it and soon will finally find out everything that the brunet is hiding from him. An incident that Win had not even dreamt of happening, is now becoming a reality.

Bright rushed towards his room as soon as he gave Win what he needed. He slammed the door behind him, making sure he really locked it and then sat on his chair, taking the diary out of his jacket, and placing it on his desk.

He decided to notbopen it yet. He just left it on top of his study desk, starring at it and thinking whether he should open it or not. Should he just put the diary back and pretend that he never saw it? Or should he just open it as he was really curious about the boy? The black-haired closes his eyes, taking a deep breath and placed his right hand on top of the diary, debaing his choices.

He opened his eyes a couple of seconds, he had finally made the decision to open it. Weeraya's words came to the black-haired's mind, rewinding him about what his partner said about Win, that he was very sick.

He was gettung worried, a lot, about the boy's health. Yesterday's moments at Nine's party, Win mumbling something about not having enough time anymore in this world, and Weeraya knew something5 about it while he, the best friend, did not. That made the boy even more curious about the younger's condition.

Bright opened the diary, noticing so many ripped pages at first, and then Win's frist entry came in his sight.

He started reading at the last three lines, making his jaw to dropcand cover his mouth with his hand.

P, I have cancer. The doctors already told me this, and I also have only 1 year to live my life. Does that mean next summer, we won't be together anymore?

I still don't want to die yet.


The black-haired's hands started trembling, he could not hold the diary anymore, he tossed it back at the desk with force. Soon his whole body started shivering, moving in spasms as he started sobbing, biting the hand which he used to cover his mouth earlier, so that he could stop crying. It didn't help much, it only left a mark on the boy's hand as hot tears started falling doen from his, now red, eyes. He wipped a few tears using his both hands and his sleeves but in the end, he stopped that too.

After calming down himself a bit, he gently picked up the diary with his a bit shaky handz, dustinf it off as he opened it once again, reading the rest of Win's entry.

Bad move.

The rest words and sentences weren't better at all, they just adeed more sadness and distress to what Bright had already built inside him. He felt his heart being torn into pieces, as if his skin was burning.

The black-haird touched his forehead after closing the diary once again, and closed his eyes firmly. He was still crying like a baby, and he couldn't bring himself to calm down. Was it a right choice to read Win's diary?

His thoughts were now about the times he interrogated the boy about his whereabouts, and how much he blamed Win from hiding something from him. Yes, the boy was hiding something but not what Bright expected.

Slowly, everytbing started making sense to him. Win's disappearance for a week, his absence from their University, the lies he had told in order to sneak out, the words the brunet told him at Nine's party... They were all making sense now. Everything.

But what he wasn't sure of, is how Weeraya knew about this situation. Did she also read the diary? Or did Win told her? Did she simply found out herself? And why was it Weeraya and now Love? Bright knew the boy's relations with Weeraya weren't the best, especially when the latter was around Bright, so why did Win get super close to her and not Love? Is the reason written on the diary? Does he even dare to open it and continue reading? Bright's mind was in a big mess right now and he could not think straight anymore.

Bright placed both his hands on his forehead while his elbows were supported by his thighs, rethinking everything that he had just read in the past 10 minutes ago.

"He said... A year. It was written in August, that means he has 'till next August to live... 11 months. Eleven fucking monthd and you didn't tell me anything, you jerk." Bright mumbled to himself in anger as he started sobbing once again. He gently took the diary and hugged it tight as the tears were streaming down his face.

"H-how am I supposed to take care when I know you will be gone soon? You told me not to be sad well you, I'm fucking cruing. This... That's what were you trying to tell me last night?" Bright kept repeating to himself loudly enough for him to hear, but low enough for Win not to hear.

"P! I'm getting out. There is still hot water there!"

Bright let go of the notebook quickly, coming back to his senses as he heard the younger boy's voice. He wipped his tears and took a few deep breathes before standing up, unlocking the door and entering the brunet's room to leave the book back to where it was. He barely made it in time. Win had just got out of the bathroom, while Bright had just closed the door behind the boy's room.

The older panicked a bit, that's the truth and Win stood there silent, observing Bright who was on the alert.

The younger chuckled slightly, tossing Bright a fresh towel. "What's wrong with you? I told you there is still hot water!"

The black-haired turned to face Win, noticing his almost body. They young boy was only wearing a towel wrapped around his lower half while water was dripling everywhere and thus, making Win look juicy in front of Bright's eyes.

Bright didn't know anymore. He was being panicked by the younger's whole presence. Suddenly, last night's memories started storming inside his head.

Does Win still even remember?

Bright didn't care anymore about anything. His best friend whom he loved for so many years was going to die, and he had only a few months to tell him that he also loves him. There was not Weeraya in his mind anymore, just Win and his beautiful face. The simple boy who was closed to himself and didn't open up to anyone except Bright, that boy.

Right now, Bright had lust and desire for the younger's body, and he was goinf to have ir. Tonight.

The older didn't responded to the brunet's answer. He just made a step forward, standing right in front of the boy, to the point that they could feel each other's breath and quickly without thinking any longer, he pressed his hungry lips onto the boy's plump and delicious one.

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