Chapter 1 - Trashing The "Demon"

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I don't own Naruto and I never have, probably never will. Can never tell for sure though.


Chapter 1: Trashing The "Demon"

Three days had passed since Konoha had been attacked. And for the newly reinstated Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, it had been three days of Hell. Strangely enough while most of his woes would have thought to have been caused by the fifty foot tall fox that decimated the village, you would have only been half right.

A small baby born just moments before the attack, an innocent child that had never done anything to harm anyone. He wasn't even capable of supporting his own head let alone causing harm to anyone. But it was unfortunately this exact fear that was causing all of Hiruzen Sarutobi's troubles. For the child was not an ordinary three day old boy. This was a jinchuuriki, the host to the very same fifty foot fox demon that had just devastated the village.

"Hello Sarutobi sensei, you look like you have seen better day's" came a voice from a nearby window from where the Sandaime Hokage was sitting.

"Jiraiya-kun, you are a sight for sore eye's, it has been hell around here. I am missing being retired already" Hiruzen said.

"So he did it after all, I was hoping the stories I heard were false information. Why did he have to use the Shiki Fuin, there were other ways to seal a Bijuu" Jiraiya said sadly.

"Is that why you returned, just to see if the rumors of Minato's demise were accurate?" Hiruzen asked.

"Well yes and no. Minato's son, Naruto where is he?" Jiraiya questioned.

"Ah the boy, he is safe and healthy, he seems to be a happy most of the time, just like his mother. But he looks so much like his father already" Hiruzen said.

"I guess I have to take up my role as Godfather and stay here with him now, or I could take him with me, either way is fine" Jiraiya said solemnly.

"I'm afraid I can't allow that jiraiya-kun" the Sandaime said.

"What! Why not?" Jiraiya demanded.

"Several reasons, for one I need you to look after your spy network, we need it more than ever at the moment. Secondly if Iwa found out you were looking after a child they would know who it was straight away, why do you think they gave him Kushina's last name, Uzumaki. Don't worry about the boy Jiraiya-kun, I will make sure he is safe" the Hokage said with a smile.

"Can I at least see him once before I have to go?" Jiraiya asked.

"Of course you can, strange I didn't quite picture you as the fatherly type Jiriaya-kun, just goes to show just how much there is I still don't know" Hiruzen said with a smile.

Hiruzen left the comfort of his desk and signaled Jiraiya to follow him. They walked until they came to a room with the door slightly ajar.

"He's in here" Hiruzen said quietly.

They quietly entered the room so as not to wake the boy, but he was already awake.

"Three line's on each cheek that look like whiskers, is this the sign that he is a jinchuuriki? Kushina never had them, but then again her seal was different wasn't it" Jiraiya said.

"No from what we can gather, those marks were there before the sealing. So they are only birthmark's if I was to have a guess I would say it was because his mother held the Kyuubi when he was born" Hiruzen said.

It was at that moment Naruto yawned and gazed up into Jiraiya's eyes.

"Would you look at that, same eyes and I think his hair is already becoming spiky like Minato's" Jiraiya said looking down at the boy. "I bet you're going to be a great ninja one day kid, I will be back when you're older so don't go getting too strong without me" Jiraiya said, a small smile crossed his face and he went into his pocket and withdrew a small green wallet that looked like a toad, and placed it in the crib next to the tiny blond.

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